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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

nickname modification

  1. Tutulowsky2

    Can you change my nickname here, at SinusBot Forum?

    Hello guys! I've noticed, that I'm not able to manually change my nickname here, on the SinusBot Forum. Can I ask for an admin or someone like that, who would do that for me? If it's not possible, I'm okay with it but I haven't found anything on the internet regarding to this. Thanks in...
  2. xDefcon

    Nickname Crash Helper 1.4

    IMPORTANT: IN ORDER TO RUN VERSION 1.3, YOU NEED SINUSBOT VERSION OR HIGHER. IF YOU DON'T PLEASE USE 1.2 Description: Nickname Crash Helper is a very simple script that automatically removes the "1" after the nickname of your bot. Usually this can happen when the bot crashes...
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