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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

php api

  1. Kamikaze

    EN Custom Webinterface

    Hey, I want to create a custom Webinterface for SinusBot, where you can control the Bot, see all Files & Playlists and play them, also with an Webstream etc. What's the best way to do this? Via an Script like the Youtube-Webinterface and Scripting Api or with Sinusbot Class PHP ? Which one is...
  2. L

    EN Php Api WebPanel Coding

    Hello. With Sinusbot PHP Api How can I code a php panel?
  3. H

    API Login problem

    I have a login php api. The api will get a bot id from /api/v1/botid and it will log into the bot by sending POST requests that have “username” “password” “botid” All POST data send in JSON I tested on sinusbot that running on same host ( ) it’s can login. But I go tested on...
  4. M

    EN PHP Api

    Do you have any php api that you can do to make a discord bot? And everything else.
  5. maromosbach

    EN Add and remove Server Group | PHP API

    Hello, how can I add or remove a server group from an teamspeak user with this php api?: https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/php-api.20/ Thank You very much. Regards Maro
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