• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. 0ndras3k

    TS3 karaoke-script 1.0.0

    I will be so happy if you will follow me on my github and super happy if you were add start to my repos. https://github.com/0ndras3k Karaoke Karaoke addon for sinusbot! Functions Getting karaoke text Plays the selected song
  2. Kamikaze

    TS3 LookForGroup Notifications 1.0.0

    If a User Joines a "LookForGroup"-Channel like "LeagueOfLegends" All Users in Sub-Channel of "LeageOfLegends"-Channel getting a message, that someone ist looking for Players to play with.
  3. vincolus

    TS3 SyncWatch 1.4-1

    INTRO HOWTO FEATURES COMMANDS TASKS Again, please report bugs! Thanks! Bitte bringt mir alle eure Käfer. Vielen Dank!
  4. Zahzi

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    I rewrote this webstream plugin to make it prettier, and have more functionality. Github: https://github.com/Zahzi/SinusBot-Stream Features - Stream music from your SinusBot bot bots in your browser - Webpage using Bootstrap and VideoJS - Displays album art from cached file or from youtube...
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