• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. RiotMode

    Bug Lange DJ-Sets werden nicht richtig abgespielt

    Hallo, mein Sinusbot verträgt keine Youtube "Dj-Sets" (1h und länger) Wir würden gerne als alternative zum Radio auch gerne mal ein DJ-Set hören, leider ist dies nicht möglich, da man es sich kaum anhören kann.. Es läuft zu schnell ab, es ruckelt, es hat störgeräusche, etc.... Woran kann ich...
  2. mtrex

    Feature Scripts/Webinterface: Collapsible areas in settings

    A few scripts, like the UseTS-AdminBOT provide maaany options in the settings: It would be great, if scripts would be able to group their options and have them shown collapsed in the settings. They might also be folded in/out with a checkox, like the scripts do it right now. An solution may...
  3. mtrex

    Feature Scripting/Webinterface: client-uid(s) input

    Many scripts seem to use a regular text-input to get client-uids for rights-management, etc.. I would be great to have an input field to select one or many user-uids, like the dropdown for channels: The input should feature autocomplete for known usernames (an save the corresponding...
  4. Crayne

    Feature Usersettings WebUI

    Servus, ich würds für sinnvoll erachten wenn man entweder die Settings der Web-UI (Sprache / Style) im User selbst speichert (nicht via Cookie) oder es eine Möglichkeit gäbe es systemweit festzulegen.
  5. CubeDev

    Bug Instance settings don't save

    I got the same problem as this reported in this thread. But unfortunatly this thread got closed so I couldn't reply. I use Firefox on Windows 7. When saving settings of an instance, and then refresh the site, the settings don't get saved (but sometimes they do). And the IP, Port and Name of the...
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