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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

sound issue

  1. G

    No Sound

    Ich brauche hilfe seit einem jahr kann ich den bot in ts nicht mehr benutzen (windows neu instalation hat nicht geholfen) Ich habe keinen plan mehr was ich machen soll ich brauche hilfe bitte komm auf meine teamspeak das sol keine werbung oder so sein eif nur einmal helfen [Finn-Chillzone] ich...
  2. -invisible-

    Sound Problem [EN/ES]

    Hi mens, my bot appears in the chat that song is playing but it is not heard. Try restarting the bot and restarting the plugin. But nothing works.
  3. fredisz

    Bad sound quality

    Hello, since a few weeks i noticed that the sound quality got more worse. (or I think it could be better) I don't know why this happend. Of course I also tested listening with other clients. I tested other radio stations and music files from youtube.
  4. MrJonny

    Bug Bot sound glitches when song changes

    Hi Guys, I got my Sinusbot running two instances on my Dedicated Server. All is well until it changes song, where both instances sound glitches for a second. Not that annoying as its only like every 2-3 minutes. Problem still happens when you have only 1 instance. OS: Ubuntu 16.04 Latest...
  5. Q

    Sound Quality/Lag: Help Troubleshoot?

    Greetings, Just installed and set up sinusbot and have a question regarding sound quality. No matter what i've read across the forum, i seem to keep getting lag in clean sound causing that familiar transformer/lag sound. I've done the port forwarding, setting TS & sinusbot's wifi priority, set...
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