• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. T

    EN Request for a RainBow Six Siege API for TS3

    HI guys, i want know if u can make a script to work with the rainbow six siege api for all users on teamspeak3. I know that's working on discord with this plugin https://bots.discord.pw/bots/264193410141913088 but i never see this feature in teamspeak3. You have here the web page to do it...
  2. TeamOddity

    Oddstats4PUBG 1.3

    You are able to request your Playerunknowns Battleground data via a custom command that you can set in your settings. The given data can also be altered before its being send to a user thats requesting his data. If no nickname is sent to the bot, it will search for the TeamSpeak nickname of the...
  3. Felaex

    DE Teamspeak Statistiken

    Hallo, aus meinen Team kam die Frage, ob es ein Script gibt, der Statistiken anzeigt. Beispiele: - Wie lange ist man insgesamt schon auf dem Teamspeak - Wie viele Songs hat man schon gehört - etc. Derzeit gibt es leider noch nichts in der Art für den Sinusbot. Ich würde es aber feiern :D
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