• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. V

    Upgrade Version

    Ich habe ein Problem beim Upgraden... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SinusBot This Version has expried. Please donwload a newer version fromt the offical SinusBot website and...
  2. Veeri

    "The version has expired..."

    Hi, I've got error "This version has expired. Please download a newer version from the official SinusBot website and upgrade." My SinusBot is the latest version, I have download and install one more time to make sure. This error happened at 3:00am on both PCs. What to do?
  3. M

    TS3 [EOL] Upgrade store for SConomy NG 0.1

    [End Of Life] The aim of the plugin is to add to SConomy NG a store that has a unique item. But that unique item can be upgraded! Features: Upgrade servergroups Customizable commands Customizable messages Set required groups to access the store Default command list: * !upgrade => Upgrade the...
  4. ChocolateDay

    Library version mismatch. Please copy the updated plugin to the client directory.

    Ich wollte eben meinen Bot neustarten und mir wurde mitgeteilt das meine SinusBot-Version "expired" sei. Nun lud ich mir die neueste Version von SinusBot runter und installierte sie direkt ins alte Verzeichnis. Wenn ich nun versuche, den Bot zu starten, kriege ich die Meldung "Library version...
  5. LukasRabTV

    2 Instanzen

    Guten Tag , ist es möglich das ich auf meinem RootServer mehrere Intsanzen hosten kann ? Wir haben 2 Musik Channel und inder Lobby und Support Warteraum soll auch Musik laufen demnach brauchen wir halt 4 Bots. Also meine frage kann ich irgendwo eine Lizenz erwerben ?
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