• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. HiraganaDE

    Music cuts out after half or quarter of the song played

    for some weird reasons the bot just instant stops music after its half way down. It cuts out without any error messages or anything just stops and plays the next title (if its in a playlist). If you need anything tell me i'll post it
  2. vincolus

    DE Nutzung des Sinusbot Web-API Audio Stream / usage of sinusbot web-api audio stream

    Ich weiß, dass das früher mal geklappt hat, aber nun bekomme ich immer einen Fehler 401, wenn ich versuche, auf den OGG-Opus-Enkodierten Audio-Stream mittels Web-API zuzugreifen. Ich versuche es folgendermaßen: 1.) Ich hole mir einen Token für den Webstream wie hier beschrieben...
  3. Dooley_labs

    Hide API login requests

    How would I be able to prevent the bot from logging every query sent from my webstream? I know the Sinusbot panel is capable and appears to achieve this, however I am unable to replicate this. Below is my current code. I'm looking to suppress the following: 2017-08-01T00:48:28-05:00 LOGIN [bot]...
  4. Dooley_labs

    Solved API artist not sent

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.21-87a90ce TS3 Version: Problem Description I'm using the API to output the artist of a song to my webpage, however, it does not work anymore. It works with streams from the radio menu, though. Seems like it may be a bug. Below is the code...
  5. Zahzi

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    I rewrote this webstream plugin to make it prettier, and have more functionality. Github: https://github.com/Zahzi/SinusBot-Stream Features - Stream music from your SinusBot bot bots in your browser - Webpage using Bootstrap and VideoJS - Displays album art from cached file or from youtube...
  6. Glumi Chan

    Direktlink zum Stream vom Sinusbot

    Hi Leut, mal eine Frage: Man kann ja mit der WebStream-Funktion seinen SinusBot auch online stream lassen... Allerdings mit einem sich stets ändernden Token, meine frage wäre jetz, ob ich den Stream auch als .pls verpacken kann, damit andere Leute den z.B per VLC hören können Auch wenn die...
  7. Dooley_labs

    [RESOLVED] Webstream loaded via JS - CORS blocked

    I need to be able to get the webstream through java in order to add a visualizer to my webstream. I've verified everything works webstream-wise and in my javascript, but SinusBot is denying Cross-Origin Requests. How would I go about allowing them so the bot would play? My current code is...
  8. Crank

    Online Webstream 1.0

    Hey there! @Lala Deviluke and me had write a Online Webstream With this you can stream the Music from the SinusBot in the Web. Requires: Webserver (Apache2) PHP5 PHP5-curl Edit the config.php with your Information about the Bot Design: http://prntscr.com/9wynv0
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