• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Bot ist Fullmute auf TS


New Member
Hallo Supportteam,

ja ich weiß das Forum ist voll mit diesen Beiträgen und glaubt mir wenn ich sage ich habe einige gelesen nur ohne Erfolg.

Habe den Bot auf einem vServer mit 2 Kernen 8 GB Ram und Debian 12 64 Bit installiert.

TS-Server ist Version 3.13.7 64 Bit
TS-Client ist Version 3.6.2 64 Bit
SinusBot Version 1.0.2

Habe alles manuell installiert da das Installer Script wegen NTP abbricht.
Der Bot startet und verbindet sich zum TS ist aber leider vollmute.

 - Status: running (PIDs: 6762 6761, User: sinusbot)
 - Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
 - Binary: /opt/sinusbot/sinusbot
 - Binary Info: MD5 Hash: 72d16bcac5d8e0df94ba49def894e52f, Perms: 755, User: sinusbot
 - Version:
 - TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: d34be55adbe414e302111d4b779ddbe6
   - TS3 Client: d34be55adbe414e302111d4b779ddbe6
 - Config:
   - LogLevel = 0
   - TS3Path = /opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.6.2)
   - YoutubeDLPath = not set
 - Installed scripts: advertising.js; alonemode.js; bookmark.js; command.js; followme.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; sinusbot-commands.js; welcome.js

 - File exists:
   - TS3Client/libqxcb-glx-integration.so: no
 - LDD output:
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffee4967000)
    libswresample.so.4 => /opt/sinusbot/libswresample.so.4 (0x00007646786b6000)
    libavfilter.so.8 => /opt/sinusbot/libavfilter.so.8 (0x0000764678200000)
    libavformat.so.59 => /opt/sinusbot/libavformat.so.59 (0x0000764677e00000)
    libavcodec.so.59 => /opt/sinusbot/libavcodec.so.59 (0x0000764676a00000)
    libavutil.so.57 => /opt/sinusbot/libavutil.so.57 (0x0000764676825000)
    libresolv.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libresolv.so.2 (0x000076467869c000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x0000764678697000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000764678692000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x0000764676600000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x0000764678121000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x0000764678672000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x000076467641f000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007646786da000)
    libswscale.so.6 => /opt/sinusbot/libswscale.so.6 (0x0000764677d55000)

 - HTTPS check with IPv4 mode: SUCCESS [Connection established to www.sinusbot.com, CODE #200]
 - HTTPS check with IPv6 mode: IGNORED [Disabled]
 - DNS resolution check: SUCCESS [www.sinusbot.com resolved to]
 - Update server checks:
    update01.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update02.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update03.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]

 - Time (local): 23.11.2024 20:12:04 UTC +00:00:00
 - Time (remote): <Failed retrieving remote time!>
 - Time (difference): n/a secs
 - Timezone: Etc/UTC

 - TeamSpeak3 Version: 3.6.2
 - youtube-dl Version: unknown
 - DiagScript Version: 0.8.0

2024-11-23T21:26:51+01:00 Ping failed.
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO | | |Statistics report: Not yet, next report on Mon Dec 16 18:40:44 2024
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Last update check was: Mon Jan 1 00:00:01 2035
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |Bookmarks | |Collecting autoconnect bookmarks
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Disconnected or forced to leave, want autoreconnect = 0
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Disconnected
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |DEVELOP |PktHandler |1 |Puzzle solve time: 16
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |PktHandler |1 |Selected cipher:0
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |PktHandler |1 |server sent ciphers:1
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Connecting
2024-11-23T21:21:43+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |initialize failure: Bad state
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid capture device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts.pa.dummy.capturedefault
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |initialize failure: Bad state
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |could not find device, returning default stereo mapping -
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid playback device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts.pa.dummy.playbackdefault
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Initiating connection: 31.214.xxx.xxx:9987
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect to server: 31.214.xxx.xxx
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |ts3server: 31.214.xxx.xxx?port=9987&nickname=UFS-Radio&password=xxx&channel=&channelpassword=
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Using configuration location: /opt/sinusbot/data/ts3/579f6ba9-aad0-4b17-b302-78b067918254/445e03a8-0fd7-4c62-9237-ed322d0a137f/settings.db
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Qt version: 5.15.8
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Failed to init text to speech engine
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO | | |*** Time [INIT]: 357
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO | | |*** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 357
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO | | |successfully downloaded revocation list for myteamspeak id
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO | | |successfully downloaded revocation list for accounting
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |Plugins | |Api version is not compatible for plugin: /opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |Plugins | |Loading plugin: libsoundbot_plugin.so
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |Query | |listening on
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |Plugins | |Loading plugin: libclientquery_plugin_linux_amd64.so
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |Addons | |Checking for addon updates...
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |ERROR |RevocationListCache| |Failed to import revocation list from cache
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Unable to create an Open GL context.
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |DEBUG |SoundDevManager| |Soundbackend loaded.
2024-11-23T21:21:42+01:00 TS |DEBUG |SoundDevManager| |Loading dynamic soundbackend from /opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/soundbackends/libalsa_linux_amd64.so
2024-11-23T21:21:41+01:00 TS |INFO | | |SystemInformation: Linux 6.8.8-2-pve #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PMX 6.8.8-2 (2024-06-24T09:00Z) x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2024-11-23T21:21:41+01:00 TS |INFO | | |TeamSpeak Client 3.6.2 (2023-09-20 09:48:13)
2024-11-23T21:21:41+01:00 Starting instance ts3server://31.214.xxx.xxx?port=9987&nickname=UFS-Radio&password=xxx&channel=&channelpassword=
2024-11-23T21:21:40+01:00 Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2024-11-23T21:21:40+01:00 Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2024-11-23T21:21:40+01:00 Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists
2024-11-23T21:21:40+01:00 Fail from data reader: read unix @->@: use of closed network connection
2024-11-23T21:21:40+01:00 Fail from voice reader: read unix @->@: use of closed network connection
2024-11-23T21:21:30+01:00 TSClient quit.
2024-11-23T21:21:29+01:00 Could not request shutdown. Please make sure that the plugin is installed correctly; HTTP returned an error: Timeout; Code: 500; Message: Timeout
2024-11-23T21:21:19+01:00 No pong received from client. Restarting...
2024-11-23T21:16:29+01:00 Ping failed.
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO | | |Statistics report: Not yet, next report on Mon Dec 16 18:40:44 2024
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Last update check was: Mon Jan 1 00:00:01 2035
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |Bookmarks | |Collecting autoconnect bookmarks
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Connection established
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Establishing connection
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Connected
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |DEVELOP |PktHandler |1 |Puzzle solve time: 15
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |PktHandler |1 |Selected cipher:0
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |PktHandler |1 |server sent ciphers:1
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Connecting
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |initialize failure: Bad state
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid capture device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts.pa.dummy.capturedefault
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |initialize failure: Bad state
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |could not find device, returning default stereo mapping -
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid playback device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts.pa.dummy.playbackdefault
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Initiating connection: 31.214.xxx.xxx:9987
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect to server: 31.214.xxx.xxx
2024-11-23T21:11:21+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |ts3server: 31.214.xxx.xxx?port=9987&nickname=UFS-Radio&password=xxx&channel=&channelpassword=
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Using configuration location: /opt/sinusbot/data/ts3/579f6ba9-aad0-4b17-b302-78b067918254/445e03a8-0fd7-4c62-9237-ed322d0a137f/settings.db
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Qt version: 5.15.8
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Failed to init text to speech engine
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO | | |*** Time [INIT]: 321
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO | | |*** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 320
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO | | |successfully downloaded revocation list for myteamspeak id
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO | | |successfully downloaded revocation list for accounting
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |Plugins | |Api version is not compatible for plugin: /opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |Plugins | |Loading plugin: libsoundbot_plugin.so
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |Query | |listening on
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |Plugins | |Loading plugin: libclientquery_plugin_linux_amd64.so
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |Addons | |Checking for addon updates...
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |ERROR |RevocationListCache| |Failed to import revocation list from cache
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Unable to create an Open GL context.
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |DEBUG |SoundDevManager| |Soundbackend loaded.
2024-11-23T21:11:20+01:00 TS |DEBUG |SoundDevManager| |Loading dynamic soundbackend from /opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/soundbackends/libalsa_linux_amd64.so
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 TS |INFO | | |SystemInformation: Linux 6.8.8-2-pve #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PMX 6.8.8-2 (2024-06-24T09:00Z) x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 TS |INFO | | |TeamSpeak Client 3.6.2 (2023-09-20 09:48:13)
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 Starting instance ts3server://31.214.xxx.xxx?port=9987&nickname=UFS-Radio&password=xxx&channel=&channelpassword=
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists
2024-11-23T21:11:19+01:00 Auto-Playing last track
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 script command loaded
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 Last track was 91033b2e-5486-40b1-ac74-2e10ee0ec558, will auto-play soon
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 Auto-Starting 579f6ba9-aad0-4b17-b302-78b067918254/445e03a8-0fd7-4c62-9237-ed322d0a137f in 500 ms...
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 Initialization complete
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 script sinusbot-commands loaded
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 [ :114:12] SinusBot v1.0.2 on linux
2024-11-23T21:11:18+01:00 [ :113:12] Loaded SinusBot Commands v1.1.2 by Jonas Bögle (@irgendwr).

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
Last edited:
Kommst du ins Menu von Sinusbot?
Vielleicht hast du nur ein kleinen Fehler.


  • Bild.JPG
    63.1 KB · Views: 14
Hallo und danke erstmal,

ja ich hatte hier vergessen/übersehen etwas einzutragen dafür auf jeden Fall mal DANKE.
Leider ist der Bot auch nach einem kompletten Neustart Fullmute mit den gleichen Fehlern im Log.

2024-12-05T21:43:07+01:00 TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Connecting
2024-12-05T21:43:07+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |initialize failure: Bad state
2024-12-05T21:43:07+01:00 TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid capture device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts.pa.dummy.capturedefault
2024-12-05T21:43:07+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |initialize failure: Bad state
2024-12-05T21:43:07+01:00 TS |ERROR |PulseAudio | |could not find device, returning default stereo mapping -
2024-12-05T21:43:07+01:00 TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid playback device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts.pa.dummy.playbackdefault
Hi DarkMark87
Läuft der Bot über Docker?
Ich hab ihn unter Docker laufen und es geht.
Ich denke du hast nicht den User: sinusbot angelegt.
Last edited:
Hi MDemone,

bin was Linux angeht ein absoluter Anfänger daher entschuldige bitte meine Frage aber was ist Docker?

Und den User sinusbot habe ich angelegt, habe den Bot so wie in der Installationsanleitung beschrieben step by step installiert und auch alle benötigten Bibliotheken.

Hallo DarkMark87
Ich benutze Docker seit 1-Jahr und ich kann dir nur sagen es ist SUPER.
Hier hast du einen Link zu Docker für Linux. Glaub mir es ist nicht so schwer ich kann dir auch helfen.
Schreib mir mal eine PM.
PM=Personale Mail



  • bandicam 2024-12-08 21-15-50-632.jpg
    bandicam 2024-12-08 21-15-50-632.jpg
    32 KB · Views: 10
  • bandicam 2024-12-08 21-14-59-063.jpg
    bandicam 2024-12-08 21-14-59-063.jpg
    132.1 KB · Views: 9
SinusBot unterstützt TeamSpeak Version 3.6.2 nicht. Die letzte unterstützte Version ist 3.5.6
Good afternoon, can someone help me solve the problem with the music bot for ts3 that does not allow me to play music with the !yt command since I get an error from youtube-dl.exe


  • Error.png
    8.9 KB · Views: 2
Moin @robinrm,

sehr cool, danke für dein optimiertes Install-Script. Habe leider auch das NTP Problem und wollte daher eben mal dein Installskript laufen lassen. Nur leider hängt sich das Skript (oder jedenfalls wird es mir so angezeigt) beim Ausführen (curl -sSL <git-url>... ) auf.
Derzeit wird das ganze Terminal bis zum manuellen Abbruch mit dem Hauptmenü zugespamt, hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt : 1738430747971.png

Hast du da einen "Bug"-Fix oder Workaround für mich? Vielleicht mache ich ja auch etwas falsch :).
Vielen Dank und VG
hast du dir das Script mit

heruntergeladen und ausgeführt? und hast du vorher sichergestellt das deine Pakete aktuell sind (apt-update)
Ja hatte ich. Habs System eben neu aufgesetzt, jetzt lief es... keine Ahnung was sich Debain eben wieder ausgedacht hat. Vielleicht wars achte Layer wieder im Eimer...
Danke dir passt alles soweit :). Ich muss nur das mit dem LogLevel noch fixen dann funzt wieder alles.
Das ist gut möglich, ich hab das damals für Debian 11 umgebaut und bei meinem Umzug auf 12.3 lief es Problemlos daher kann jetzt in der 12.9 natürlich zu Problemen kommen...
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