I've been running sinusbot since quite some time and more or less it worked fine, but since a few weeks it suddenly stopped working. I tried installing it fresh as per guide in wiki, using ts3 client both 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. I found out that something happened with instances as it said that they couldn't connect to server because invalid credentials.
Seems like deleting instances and creating them fresh solved the issue, but either !yt or !play doesnt actually play any audio through musicbot. Downloading videos using youtube-dl itself works perfectly fine, I tried it manually.
But using either !yt or !play from https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/youtube-search.56/ only results in those logs:
and here's diag.sh output
I've been running sinusbot since quite some time and more or less it worked fine, but since a few weeks it suddenly stopped working. I tried installing it fresh as per guide in wiki, using ts3 client both 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. I found out that something happened with instances as it said that they couldn't connect to server because invalid credentials.
Seems like deleting instances and creating them fresh solved the issue, but either !yt or !play doesnt actually play any audio through musicbot. Downloading videos using youtube-dl itself works perfectly fine, I tried it manually.
But using either !yt or !play from https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/youtube-search.56/ only results in those logs:
2018-09-20T07:18:22+02:00 Storing configuration.
2018-09-20T07:18:18+02:00 youtube :1017 Append to queue: wWhtcU4-xAM
2018-09-20T07:18:18+02:00 HTTP: GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=wWhtcU4-xAM&part=snippet%2Cstatistics%2CcontentDetails&fields=items(snippet%2Ftitle%2Csnippet%2Fdescription%2Csnippet%2FchannelTitle%2Cid%2Ckind%2Cstatistics%2CcontentDetails%2Fduration)&key=(MyActualKeyHere@olokos)
2018-09-20T07:18:18+02:00 HTTP: GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?q=barbra%20streisand&part=snippet&type=video&maxResults=1&fields=items(id)&key=(MyActualKeyHere@olokos)
2018-09-20T07:18:03+02:00 2568/insufficient client permissions/i_channel_needed_description_view_power
and here's diag.sh output