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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
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TS3 Youtube Search 1.3.4

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
  2. Discord
Search youtube video!

  • Search videos
  • Retrieve information from youtube links sended from chat
  • Download/Play directly from command
  • Queue playback
  • TS Groups permissions
  • Video filters
  • Discord
Format values:
  • {title} - Video title
  • {description} - Video Description
  • {description_complete} - Complete video description
  • {yt_link} - Video Link
  • {video_id} - Video id
  • {duration} - Video duration (time formatted)
  • {commentCount} - Comment count on video (formatted)
  • {viewCount} - View count on video (formatted)
  • {likeCount} - Like count on video (formatted)
  • {dislikeCount} - Dislike count on video (formatted)
  • {favoriteCount} - Favorite count on video (formatted)
  • {upload_by} - Channel Owner
Default format:
[B]You[/B][COLOR=#ff0000]Tube[/COLOR] - Title: {title} - Description: {description} - Link: [url={yt_link}]{yt_link}[/url] - By: {upload_by}
  • If the bot says 'Search failed' make sure do you are using the last version of sinusbot and setup correctly your api key
  • If no sound play from bot make sure do you have last youtube-dl binaries





Source code:
Go here: https://console.developers.google.com/project and click on "Create project"





First release
Last update


3.65 star(s) 31 ratings

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  1. Compatibility fix for SinusBot 1.0 alpha versions

    This version is compatible with the latest SinusBot 1.0 alpha releases. Thanks to @NT5 for the...
  2. Discord Update

    Added initial discord support. (hotfix) Enqueue not working with download files. Other changes.
  3. Update methods.

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Latest reviews

I've been using this script for a long time now. 10/10 recommended
only link detection works not search...
I get this: Search failed (Nothing found) doesn't play anything
It works well once you get it working but it's not very straight forward.

What you will need is the "youtube-dl.exe" just searching that and downloading the .exe will be okay. Then you will need to make an unrestriced API key for youtube. This can be done by navigating to the Google developer console (just google it) and creating a new project followed by credentials for the Youtube Data API (MAKE SURE ON YOUR SETTINGS FOR THE API THAT IT IS UNRESTRICTED) following this copy the API key.

Now navigate to your Bots addon folder and download "Youtube Search" go into the scripts folder and tick "Youtube search" now click the drop down arrow and paste your API key in the field. Im sure that the settings below that don't matter as much but mine are.

Action with YoutubeDL = Download
Playback action = Queue
Catch Youtube Links = No
Max youtube videos = defualt
Max youtube video duration = defualt
play random video = defualt
command trigger = yt
message format = [B]You[/B][COLOR=#ff0000]Tube[/COLOR] - Title: {title} - Link: [url={yt_link}]{yt_link}[/url] - By: {upload_by}

everything else default then scroll right to the bottom of the page and ensure you save your changes.

Following this turn your bot off and exit it in the system tray (bottom left)

Now navigate to where you installed sinus bot and copy the youtube-dl.exe into this directory. Now open the config.ini and find the line saying "falseYoutubeDL" change that to "trueYoutubeDL" and in the inverted commas next to that paste the directory to the .exe and ensure you have two backslashes instead of just one separating the files. Mine looks like this:

trueYoutubeDLPath = "C:\\SinusBot\\youtube-dl.exe"

After all that down. Start your bot make it join your server then simply type !yt song name into the chat with the bot and it should find, download then play the song you wanted. If it gives a search failed prompt then your API key is set up wrong. Like I said make sure it is unrestricted and that it is for the Youtube Data api. the api can also take up to 5 minutes or more to become active. But I set the bot up the exact way I described above and after trying 4 different API keys it finally worked.
Der Bot spielt keine Links ab, Search failed (Nothing found)
i got this error

"Could not play video with filters set"

its all fine - script is runnig, api key ist working..

any solutions?

Fails to queue a song, despite download seeming successful.
My sound doesnt actually play its been fully updated as I am on windows and not windows :/
It works like a Charm :-)
does not work
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