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Solved Cant make the bot work

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New Member
Invalid server address, wrong password, security level too high for our identity, client version too old or given default channel non-existant / passworded. That's what it tells me when I try to start it. I think the problem is "security level too high for our identity" If so, how can I solve this?


Tuetchen Dominator
is awesome!
What should be the new security level? It's at 29 currently. @flyth
What do you mean with that exactly? Is the server required level @ 29? Or is your BOT ID at level 29? If The first is the case increase the BOT ID to level 29. If you already have done that and the server isn't requiring a security level higher than 29 you need to check the other options. Like Server Adress, Server Passwort. Minimal client version required on the server, not banned, etc...

@flyth can you respond ? lol

Do what I said. Something from that list is causing the problem. Lmfao.
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