• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Crasht bei Musikwiedergabe nach Zeit x, startet nicht mit service

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Active Member
Hallo, hab den Bot gestern aufgesetzt, hatte zuerst 0.9.8 , doch hab dann ewig den playlisten advanced options gesucht bis ich die 0.9.9 fand.
Auf 0.9.8 lief das int.d bootscript 1a, konte ihn über service sinusbot start starten und er kam auf den ts, jetzt macht er das nicht mehr :/ hab die Zeilen angepasst, die Statusausgabe erscheint mir normal, allerdings kommt Betriebssystemtechnik erst im 3. Semester ;)

  Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/sinusbot)
  Active: active (exited) since Thu 2016-01-07 11:40:26 EST; 21h ago
  Process: 23597 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/sinusbot stop (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
  Process: 23679 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/sinusbot start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Jan 07 11:40:22 name sinusbot[23679]: Using following data:
Jan 07 11:40:22 name sinusbot[23679]: USER: sinusbot
Jan 07 11:40:22 name sinusbot[23679]: DIR ROOT: /opt/ts3soundboard/
Jan 07 11:40:22 name sinusbot[23679]: BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot
Jan 07 11:40:24 name sinusbot[23679]: Starting sinusbot...
Jan 07 11:40:24 name su[23684]: Successful su for sinusbot by root
Jan 07 11:40:24 name su[23684]: + ??? root:sinusbot
Jan 07 11:40:24 name su[23684]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user sinusbot by (uid=0)
Jan 07 11:40:24 name su[23684]: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user sinusbot
Jan 07 11:40:24 name su[23690]: Successful su for sinusbot by root
Jan 07 11:40:26 name sinusbot[23679]: sinusbot started successfully
Jan 07 11:40:26 name systemd[1]: Started LSB: Sinusbot.
Jan 08 09:22:53 name systemd[1]: Started LSB: Sinusbot.

hab es sowohl als root wie auch mit sinusbot als Benutzer probiert

Desweiteren wenn ich normal Musik abspiele crasht er nach unterschiedlicher Zeit (gestartet mit screen),
das letzte Mal mit der Meldung welche alle paar sekunde über Putty eintraf

2016/01/08 09:11:08 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Invalid size for response

hier Ausschnitte vom starten des Bots

2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |TeamSpeak 3 Client (2015-10-22 11:14:48)
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |SystemInformation: Linux 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |Using hardware aes
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |ERROR  |SoundBckndIntf|  |libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |ERROR  |SoundBckndIntf|  |libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |WARNING |SoundDevManager|  |Did not load any sound backends. No (usable) dynamic libraries found.
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |Loading plugin: libclientquery_plugin
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |Loading plugin: liblua_plugin
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |Loading plugin: libsoundbot_plugin
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |Loading plugin: libtest_plugin
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |Query  |  |listening on
2016/01/08 09:19:58 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO  Imported radio stations
2016/01/08 09:19:58 X [MAIN] New connection
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS>ClientQueryPlugin: currentServerConnectionChanged 1 (0)
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |*** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 136
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |*** Time [INIT]: 137
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |ClientUI  |  |Failed to init text to speech engine
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |ClientUI  |  |Qt version: 5.5.0
2016/01/08 09:19:58 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |ClientUI  |  |Using configuration location: /opt/ts3soundboard/data/ts3/8481b1c3-b8bf-4da2-8b70-1c519918f3a6/9cdb27e8-6e09-4ecc-99fa-4bd458363445/settings.db


2016/01/08 09:20:01 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  TS |INFO  |  |  |Failed to download remote image: Protocol "" is unknown 301
2016/01/08 09:20:05 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send var command
2016/01/08 09:20:05 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=1)
2016/01/08 09:20:10 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send var command
2016/01/08 09:20:10 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  New connection status 2; Error 0
2016/01/08 09:20:10 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  New connection status 3; Error 0
2016/01/08 09:20:10 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  [AL] þunraz | Daniel joined the channel
2016/01/08 09:20:10 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send config. Please make sure that the loopback interface is not firewalled and the plugin is installed properly.
2016/01/08 09:20:10 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send join command
2016/01/08 09:20:15 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send var command
2016/01/08 09:20:15 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 INFO  New connection status 4; Error 0
2016/01/08 09:20:15 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send config. Please make sure that the loopback interface is not firewalled and the plugin is installed properly.
2016/01/08 09:20:15 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send chat command
2016/01/08 09:20:15 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Script not loaded / crashed. Took too long.
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send var command
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=3)
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=4)
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=5)
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Setting client description failed
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  client is flooding
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=6)
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=7)
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=8)
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Sending private message failed
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  client is flooding
2016/01/08 09:20:20 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send config. Please make sure that the loopback interface is not firewalled and the plugin is installed properly.
2016/01/08 09:20:25 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send var command
2016/01/08 09:20:25 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=9)
2016/01/08 09:20:25 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=10)
2016/01/08 09:20:25 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not find request%!(EXTRA uint32=11)
2016/01/08 09:20:25 8481b1c3 9cdb27e8 WARN  Could not send config. Please make sure that the loopback interface is not firewalled and the plugin is installed properly.

Ausgabe des Diagnosescripts

- Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8.2 (jessie) (OpenVZ)
- OS x64 check: OK
- Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-042stab108.8 x86_64
- Load Average: 0.10 0.36 0.35
- Uptime: 71 days, 15 hours, 14 minutes, 42 seconds
- OS Updates: 0 (well done!)
- OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
- OS APT Last Update: 01.01.2016 14:13:17 EST -05:00:00
- Bot Start Script: found at /etc/init.d/sinusbot [perms: 0755]
- DNS resolution check: google.com -> OK
- CPU:

- RAM: 182.54 MB/1.00 GB in use (17%)
- SWAP: 469.56 MB/1.00 GB in use (45%)
- DISK: 2.34 GB/47.65 GB in use (4%)
- Report date: 08.01.2016 09:14:56 EST -05:00:00 (timezone: America/New_York)

- Status: not running
- Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
- Binary: /opt/ts3soundboard/sinusbot (Hash: 634662b72e5a6efc5ab92967bc8f3ace)
- Version: 0.9.9-8f70ff3
- TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
  - Bot Plugin: 28511bf58fe820d911609f7252594400
  - TS3 Client: 28511bf58fe820d911609f7252594400
- Config:
  - LogLevel = 3
  - TS3Path = /opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version
  - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2015.12.23)
- Installed Scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; covatar.js; dev.js; followme.js; idle.js; metadata.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; showcase.js; welcometext.js

falls noch Infos gebraucht werden kurz schreiben

Danke für die hoffentliche Hilfe
falls noch Infos gebraucht werden kurz schreiben

Danke für die hoffentliche Hilfe

Welches Startscript, hast du das Plugin nach dem Update erneut Kopiert?
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