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Customize Web Interface?

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New Member

Can i edit the Web Interface? or how to do it?
Or looking for the source location~
Or maybe just changing the Logo :)

Thank you :D

first this is the wrong section. This is not a how to.
You can switch between Bootstrap themes from: https://bootswatch.com/.

Next the Sinusbot is closed source, this means you can't edit the code.
I checked the code via Chrome Developer Console the logo points to: /img/sinusbot-logo.png. I didn't found any folder named "img", i think it's a folder in the Sinusbot binary.

Back to the topic, you can choose between the specified bootstrap templates but no more.

The option to change the logo is maybe a good idea for the hoster version.
<blockquote>right now, i can't edit the code :3</blockquote>

Maybe you can write your own interface and use the Sinusbot-API. Based on your knowledge.

@Raphraph has a nice PHP API: https://forum.sinusbot.com/discussion/186/php-api-for-the-sinusbot-by-raphraph#latest
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