oh Ok ..what i mean is there deference between the commands ..?! i want to install the Sinux Sctipt in My VPS And i Dont want to But Operating system that have deffernt Commands with the script installing ): ..Any way like you said the hardcore linux user will know better ..
i wanna try to clearify some things:
You say above: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS.
Ubuntu, is on the Core the same as Debian the difference is Debian is more for Servers, Ubuntu has the Focus on Desktop.
Debian uses more Stable, (older) packages and has a Focus on security.
Ubuntu uses newer packages you get more / faster new features.
CentOS has more Differences as Debian, CentOS and Fedora come's from the Redhat Family (
https://www.redhat.com/en) behind Redhat stands a Company they give Support for the OS (Redhat is more a Bussiness Linux) .
Debian / Ubuntu and other Forks are community maintained.
CentOS (
Community Enterprise Operating System) is also maintained by a Community but they has the same Focus as RedHat
oh Ok ..what i mean is there deference between the commands ..?! i want to install the Sinux Sctipt in My VPS And i Dont want to But Operating system that have deffernt Commands with the script installing ): ..Any way like you said the hardcore linux user will know better ..
You have differences between Debian and CentOS yes.
Some commands are the same.
The biggest difference is actually the goal of the groups / companies.
Some people want a Clean Simple Linux, others a Secure and Stable Linux.
Again others want the latest packages and Updates.
As an example we take the Sinusbot, for Sinusbot you do not need a Bussiness Linux. A Debian or Ubuntu does here the job.
The Sinusbot also works on Arch Linux and CentOS / Fedora however it is nothing for beginners because here libraries must be compiled by self because CentOS / Fedora uses older packages.