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Errors With Windows 10

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New Member
Could someone please go over step by step the installation process of the soundboard using windows 10, the newest version of teamspeak, and either version or 1.0b5 of teamspeak? Whichever one is easier. I have tried setting up the soundboard with both versions, but with .9.9.9 the sound doesn't play at all, and with 1.0b5 the sound plays, glitches, and then just creates a continuous buzzing noise. (I am using VAD)
Could someone please go over step by step the installation process of the soundboard using windows 10, the newest version of teamspeak, and either version or 1.0b5 of teamspeak? Whichever one is easier. I have tried setting up the soundboard with both versions, but with .9.9.9 the sound doesn't play at all, and with 1.0b5 the sound plays, glitches, and then just creates a continuous buzzing noise. (I am using VAD)

LogLevel = 10 please and poste your logs.
https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/install-troubleshooting-windows.178/ here is a little guide, but it is basicly the same as the guide from GIT.
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