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Solved Informations report about the log

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Active Member

i just installed v0.9.9. It's working but i would like to report some things to know if the way it's going is "clean". When i starts sinusbot i get this error :
2015/12/06 19:50:47 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba WARN   Script not loaded / crashed. Took too long.

When i used to close the bot with v0.9.8 i had no specific messages. Now i have this messages, it's stuck and i've to ctrl+c twice to completely close the bot :
    2015/12/06 20:03:02 [GENERAL ] Shutting down... Hold on...

    desktop@ns326432:~/Bureau/ts3soundboard$ 2015/12/06 20:03:03 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba INFO TS>libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba INFO TS>warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba INFO TS>warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba INFO TS>qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba INFO TS>qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 ecf0f9f8 eb7e55ba INFO TSClient quit.
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 X [MAIN] Disconnected: 0
    2015/12/06 20:03:03 X [MAIN] Disconnected: 2

Thank you.
That script-message will be fixed in the next release and that ctrl+c thing is actually just a delay in the shutdown to properly disconnect the clients. After the ctrl+c a return / enter should suffice to bring you back to the console :)
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