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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

MongoDB Database Engine support


is awesome!
Current status:
Currently the Database Scripting Engine supports “MySQL” and “PostgreSQL” these two types of databases are based on a relational model of data and with a specific SQL dialect for queries. These databases are perfect for fixed data structures. They represent the most prominent database types currently in use around the world.

Feature request:
Please add “MongoDB” to the Database Scriping Engine this kind of database is Document-oriented with a Json based language for communication.
This type of database is essential if you want or need to handle very dynamic or unstructured data.
There are also database drivers available for all big programming languages and it shouldn’t be hard to integrate it into the existing Database Scriping Engine.

For what could this database support be useful:
This database type is useful when you have dynamic values for example in case of user handling with this bot it is way easier to save data for each user and you can assign different kinds of permissions or save custom user data like events, event participation, etc for each user without creating new Tables/Columns.
The database also uses a json structure to communicate with the database this would be perfect for integration with the JavaScript language that is currently in use by the scripting engine.