All submitted feature requests will be added here.
The post id is required to find the request. Replacing %id by the post id in this link should send you to the topic.
Request | Requested by | Description | State | Post id
add !ytdl to queue | @flobie | Instead of automatically playing the downloaded track, add it to the queue. | OPEN | 138
auto-reconnect on disconnect | @flobie | Each instance should try to reconnect after beeing disconnected from their TS-Server. | OPEN | 138
play queued song after current radio-track | @flobie | If a radio is played, and somebody is adding a track to the queue, the queue should be played after the current radio-track. | OPEN | 138
sort by date | @Khailz | Sort all tracks by date int the webinterface. | PLANNED | 3
sort by size | @flyth | Sort all tracks by their size | PLANNED | --
add multiple servergroups to a user | @Fred | Be able to add multiple servergroups for each user | OPEN | 4
create user for all TS servergroups | @Raphraph | Be able to create a user, which is the "default" one. Si if no user matches the servergroup of a TS client, he will be able to use this user. | ACCEPTED | --
"playing" icon to recognize from where a song is played | @Raphraph | Add a "playing" icon / animation to the playlist from where the song is played, so you can easily locate it. | PLANNED | 73
be able to filter / search just for a specific type | @Raphraph | Add a filter or extend the search function to be able to search for folders, links, music-files or even for empty tags (such as the artist-tag)... | PLANNED | 73
!radio command | @Raphraph | Be able to play a radio station with just a command! | PLANNED | 73
adding new radio stations | @Raphraph | Be able to add other radio stations to the existing list, because it's not really funny to add them manually (Even if you can use the URL functionallity) | PLANNED | 73
"Bulk Mode" working otherwise with the queue-section.... | @Raphraph | Be able to add more than one song to the queue. | PLANNED ? See: [here]( | 73
Play a track when someone joins the channel | @Am4n | Be able to set a track which is played each time a client joins the channel. | NEXT RELEASE | 81
Improve search funtionality | multiple requests | Improve the search function. (Like surching in all folders, etc...) | PLANNED | --
Improve the playlist permissions | @fornax | Be able to set 2 different permissions for playlist-editing. All: user can add, delete and edit all playlists User created: user can add, delete and edit any playlist they have added, but not edit, etc... playlists they did not create | OPEN | 125
Change the message returned by !play | @AlienSr1 | Be able to change the message which is displayed in the channel-chat after having used the !play command. | OPEN | 66
Mimimize client to icon tray in windows 7 | multiple requests | | OPEN | --
"upload" tracks from the lcoal files | @Note | Be able to "upload" / copy tracks from the local files. Helpful on servers. | PLANNED | 12
!ytdl after !yt saves the track after all | @Note | Be able to save a temporary file which has been downloaded via the !yt command, by using the !ytdl command. | OPEN | 12
support .pls streams | multiple requests | Be able to add a link to a .pls file. | PLANNED | --
ability to fast-forward the current track | @tommytom | Be able to fast-forward the current track to a specified position. Like this: !jump (or !playtime) 1:10 (or 70) . This should jump to the specified time. | OPEN | 37
ability to display the current track position | @tommytom | Be able to get the current track position with a command such as !playtime | OPEN | 37
have statistics | @Huskynarr | Be able to see sth such as statistics for the songs. | ACCEPTED | 48
Script section in the forums | @Am4n | Have a "Script" section in the forums. | PLANNED | 86
Add radio-station options | @flobie | Be able to set a radio-station to be played on startup or when idling. So implement an options button for radio stations. | OPEN | 138
All bugs which will be fixed are added here
Bug / Error | Reported by | Description | Post id
!queue not working with tagless tracks | @Khailz | Songs without tags that show up blank in the webinterface cannot be played via !queue . | 6
!playing don't work with radio-tracks | @Khailz | !playing will only show the Album name and Artist name of the given station itself not the actual track that is playing | 51
The post id is required to find the request. Replacing %id by the post id in this link should send you to the topic.
Request | Requested by | Description | State | Post id
add !ytdl to queue | @flobie | Instead of automatically playing the downloaded track, add it to the queue. | OPEN | 138
auto-reconnect on disconnect | @flobie | Each instance should try to reconnect after beeing disconnected from their TS-Server. | OPEN | 138
play queued song after current radio-track | @flobie | If a radio is played, and somebody is adding a track to the queue, the queue should be played after the current radio-track. | OPEN | 138
sort by date | @Khailz | Sort all tracks by date int the webinterface. | PLANNED | 3
sort by size | @flyth | Sort all tracks by their size | PLANNED | --
add multiple servergroups to a user | @Fred | Be able to add multiple servergroups for each user | OPEN | 4
create user for all TS servergroups | @Raphraph | Be able to create a user, which is the "default" one. Si if no user matches the servergroup of a TS client, he will be able to use this user. | ACCEPTED | --
"playing" icon to recognize from where a song is played | @Raphraph | Add a "playing" icon / animation to the playlist from where the song is played, so you can easily locate it. | PLANNED | 73
be able to filter / search just for a specific type | @Raphraph | Add a filter or extend the search function to be able to search for folders, links, music-files or even for empty tags (such as the artist-tag)... | PLANNED | 73
!radio command | @Raphraph | Be able to play a radio station with just a command! | PLANNED | 73
adding new radio stations | @Raphraph | Be able to add other radio stations to the existing list, because it's not really funny to add them manually (Even if you can use the URL functionallity) | PLANNED | 73
"Bulk Mode" working otherwise with the queue-section.... | @Raphraph | Be able to add more than one song to the queue. | PLANNED ? See: [here]( | 73
Play a track when someone joins the channel | @Am4n | Be able to set a track which is played each time a client joins the channel. | NEXT RELEASE | 81
Improve search funtionality | multiple requests | Improve the search function. (Like surching in all folders, etc...) | PLANNED | --
Improve the playlist permissions | @fornax | Be able to set 2 different permissions for playlist-editing. All: user can add, delete and edit all playlists User created: user can add, delete and edit any playlist they have added, but not edit, etc... playlists they did not create | OPEN | 125
Change the message returned by !play | @AlienSr1 | Be able to change the message which is displayed in the channel-chat after having used the !play command. | OPEN | 66
Mimimize client to icon tray in windows 7 | multiple requests | | OPEN | --
"upload" tracks from the lcoal files | @Note | Be able to "upload" / copy tracks from the local files. Helpful on servers. | PLANNED | 12
!ytdl after !yt saves the track after all | @Note | Be able to save a temporary file which has been downloaded via the !yt command, by using the !ytdl command. | OPEN | 12
support .pls streams | multiple requests | Be able to add a link to a .pls file. | PLANNED | --
ability to fast-forward the current track | @tommytom | Be able to fast-forward the current track to a specified position. Like this: !jump (or !playtime) 1:10 (or 70) . This should jump to the specified time. | OPEN | 37
ability to display the current track position | @tommytom | Be able to get the current track position with a command such as !playtime | OPEN | 37
have statistics | @Huskynarr | Be able to see sth such as statistics for the songs. | ACCEPTED | 48
Script section in the forums | @Am4n | Have a "Script" section in the forums. | PLANNED | 86
Add radio-station options | @flobie | Be able to set a radio-station to be played on startup or when idling. So implement an options button for radio stations. | OPEN | 138
All bugs which will be fixed are added here
Bug / Error | Reported by | Description | Post id
!queue not working with tagless tracks | @Khailz | Songs without tags that show up blank in the webinterface cannot be played via !queue . | 6
!playing don't work with radio-tracks | @Khailz | !playing will only show the Album name and Artist name of the given station itself not the actual track that is playing | 51
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