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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Please work on a updated windows version.... *begs* :-D

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New Member
Title explains it all. I know windows s***s, blah blah. But it's what I use because of work.. This program is so dang fun, and I would love to do the things that these linux/etc users are doing with their versions. I know it takes time and money, but I'm waiting patiently. :) Scripts and everything! Thanks for your time. Hope something is coming out soon.
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if you need windows for work i am sure you earn enough money to get a vps. There are vps servers available for as cheap as $1 a month. The linux client is way ahead of the windows client and every developement efforts towards windows would just slow down linux developement, which I am sure, most productive users are looking forward.


New Member
Your post is un-needed.. I never said I use this for work for one thing. all I'm asking for is a updated version for windows. Not even sure where you were even going with your post. I was QUITE clear of what I wanted. It was a request one day it might happen, if not oh well, I'm still quite happy with what I got so far, just wish we had more features like the Linux version. Thanks? anyways...


By using the search function, you would see multiple threads focusing on finalizing the linux version before even attempting to create a windows version. It'd be double the work to keep both versions for each OS up to date especially since a lot has changed since 0.9.8. Even when 1.0 launches, there is no guaranteed ETA for the windows version, and frankly I'm happy it's on linux right now. (<---oh no, an opinion)

and wherever posts like this are scattered across the forums.


New Member
This is again, a request.. I use both already. I just rather have a windows version to be updated. I've already seen all them posts you refer too. Again, un-needed post. as you see I've already said : "I know it takes time and money, but I'm waiting patiently. :) Scripts and everything! Thanks for your time. Hope something is coming out soon." This is a request, not a DROP WTF you guys are doing and please get me a windows version updated now post. Again thanks but no thanks to your input. If you don't actually work on the thing, then your comments are not needed. This is a request to the creators/updaters/whateveryouwannacallthemppl. Not random joes with their opinion on why they think a Linux version is better or whatever bullshit I already know it is better I use both, I'm REQUESTING for a updated Windows version.

*Maybe this would of been alot easier if I'd mentioned that I run both already.. but this IS a request post in the right request area for it. I know what I want and not looking to find advise on other crap. Windows is what I use the most, and since windows is what I HAVE to use for work related programs, it's juts easier for me to stick with windows version of this program.


This is a request to the creators/updaters/whateveryouwannacallthemppl.
It's a shame how you don't know who's head of this project, tagging them would solve your question sooner. The fact is windows development will not start back up until a stable enough version is ready for public. That being said, by being stubborn, thinking that just because we mention linux and compare it to windows, that it's "Dumb", then you need to rethink what we're trying to explain.

Stuff you should read
this IS a request post in the right request area for it
Sure it's in the right area but is it really needed? This entire thread is on a topic flyth, xuxe, raph, and other insiders haved already been informed about and have known since 0.9.9. This thread is unneeded, yet you believe creating it would like make sure they remember?



Get a VM with Linux and 256 MB Ram and you can use the latest SinusBot Beta.. There are a lot of tutorials out there how to install VirtualBox on Windows. But that is all what we can offer you, it is now your choice: Windows but SinusBot 0.9.8 or Linux VM with SinusBot 0.9.12

And really, stop giving other posts "Dumb" just because you dont like Linux for a reason.

~ Codebucket


is awesome!
I will respond to ALL posts here...

This is again, a request.. I use both already. I just rather have a windows version to be updated. I've already seen all them posts you refer too. Again, un-needed post. as you see I've already said : "I know it takes time and money, but I'm waiting patiently. :) Scripts and everything! Thanks for your time. Hope something is coming out soon." This is a request, not a DROP WTF you guys are doing and please get me a windows version updated now post. Again thanks but no thanks to your input. If you don't actually work on the thing, then your comments are not needed. This is a request to the creators/updaters/whateveryouwannacallthemppl. Not random joes with their opinion on why they think a Linux version is better or whatever bullshit I already know it is better I use both, I'm REQUESTING for a updated Windows version.

*Maybe this would of been alot easier if I'd mentioned that I run both already.. but this IS a request post in the right request area for it. I know what I want and not looking to find advise on other crap. Windows is what I use the most, and since windows is what I HAVE to use for work related programs, it's juts easier for me to stick with windows version of this program.
I understand your reaction, because some people "agressed" you in some way and you don't wanna here something about linux.
But next time just answer nicely and others will follow your example :) That also counts for all those who wrote the other posts.
Answering your request for a windows version:
@Xuxe said it in a german post:

um doch mal ein wenig an Info's für die WIndows Nutzer raus zu rücken:

Soweit ich Informiert bin gibt es intern bereits eine Windows Version mit Scripting, also wir sind was das angeht nicht eingeschlafen :p
Wir warten momentan noch auf ein Update der Programmiersprache, dann wird auch die Windows Version auf die neue Version gepusht und dann veröffentlicht.
Aber wie immer: keine ETA. - aber so seit ihr immer hin mal auf nem Stand das ihr bescheid wisst ;)
Die Maßnahmen sind leider nötig, daher bitte ich einfach mal um etwas Geduld :)
but as your thread is in english, I will translate the main points (without any guarantee of delivery etc.):
• There apparently is already a windows version with the scriptiong feature, etc. so we are working on it. The windows version isn't dead.
• BUT we are waiting for an update of the programming language
• And as always, we are providing no ETA.
That said, you now know a little bit more what's going on.
If you have any question, ask me in this thread.

Now answering the other posts...
DISCLAIMER: I'm not "agressing" you or something of that kind. I'm just answering and "commenting" your posts. Don't take it wrong.

get linux for server software and stop complaining that there isn't software for your bad os. you'll have to wait for a bit and thats it.
Please read correctly. He isn't complaining at all. He made a request and he has the right to do so.

thinking that just because we mention linux and compare it to windows, that it's "Dumb", then you need to rethink what we're trying to explain.
@Tetetwista . On that point he isn't completely wrong. They just tried to explain why it will actually take some time before the windows version will show up.

Sure it's in the right area but is it really needed? This entire thread is on a topic flyth, xuxe, raph, and other insiders haved already been informed about and have known since 0.9.9. This thread is unneeded, yet you believe creating it would like make sure they remember?
You're not wrong about this. But it's not "unneeded". It shows that there are some interested guys and that the windows version is requested at all. If nobody says something, we are not able to estimate how many persons even uses the windows version. So you're not wrong, it will not make the things quicker, but it's not "unneeded".

Get a VM with Linux and 256 MB Ram and you can use the latest SinusBot Beta.. There are a lot of tutorials out there how to install VirtualBox on Windows. But that is all what we can offer you, it is now your choice: Windows but SinusBot 0.9.8 or Linux VM with SinusBot 0.9.12

And really, stop giving other posts "Dumb" just because you dont like Linux for a reason.

~ Codebucket
He apparently don't wan't the linux version. So that won't help him in any way as he already said that he uses the linux version but NEEDS the windows version as well. And he jsut made a request, he never said he want to make a choice between windows and linux.
@Tetetwista That said, giving other posts "Dumb" isn't really useful anyway.

So now, just let us close this discussion. If you have anything to say about my "comments", write me a private message.
The only messages which should appear here, are those asking for details about the windows version and about its release and update.

Thanks guys.
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