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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Quite a few suggestions

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Okay so I'm too lazy to search through every single suggest thread to see if none of these have been suggested already, so yeah..

-Enqueue YouTube
-Allow users to edit all (or most) text outputs of the bot (search text, downloading text, etc.)
-Allow playing of certain artists
-Let users add custom commands (PLEASE!!!)
-Enable users to change where text outputs (instead of PM'ing user, it will output in channel chat)
-Fix requested by, it always says either admin or the bot's name, never the users that actually requested it..
-I'm not quite sure how to let users see what songs are already downloaded on the bot, so maybe a !songs command will send the user a link to the song files..?
-A page where we can see what suggestions are working on, what is being worked on in general, and what we can expect to see in the near future!

I am aware that many of these feature are available on Linux already, so I'm begging the developer to get this onto the Windows version asap.

I will edit this more as I come up with more ideas!^-^

Edit: How hard/bothersome would it be to install my bot on a VM running Linux? It's really really disappointing to see how abyssal the Windows features are compared to the Linux features..
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- there's !qyt to enqueue a YT video (on linux beta)
- you can add custom commands by learn basic scripting in JS
- "Requested by" is working fine for me, (running lastest sin beta)
actually the priority is on Linux and on features. Be patient ;)
I directly stated that I know some of these features are already in Linux/Beta.. ._. I don't want to have to wait weeks or even months for the simplest or most essential features such as scripting. I have been using JS for almost 3 years now for both corporate and personal use, so it's not like I don't know how to make scripts; I am just unable to use them on Windows.
so crazy, @Infiniti, registered today and you just complain everything. It is not @flyth full time job. Dont think to intigrate a feature is just copy and paste. There's no eta for 1.0 or for the Windows version. ;)
It doesn't matter when he registered - there are plenty of users out there that aren't registered at all. And constructive complaints are welcome as well - so: no harm done.

But yes, it's not just copy/paste and focusing on one OS allows me to at least get some stuff done :) I do keep the Windows in mind version and _most_ of the new stuff has already been ported - it's just not ready, yet (and there won't be any ETAs). If one needs the functionality "badly", using Linux somehow is the only way to go right now.
I'm sorry if I came across as rude, and I understand that what I was trying to say was completely unclear. I just feel like getting an essential feature such as script support on Windows should be high priority. But then again, I am in the minority that is Windows OS users, so I am sure that your opinions differ from mine. I also understand that being a solo developer makes it hard to tend to the needs of a plethora of users at once, so I apologize again for my imprudence. I love everything you have done so far, but I guess I just want scripts to help add a more personal feel and overhaul/fine tune the abilities of the bot. You could say I'm very very eager, in a sense, to improve your product and help create scripts for both me and other users to enjoy. idk sorry ;-;

Oh also, everything else aside, how are users able to see the list of songs that have been downloaded?
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Is beta testing a thing for the Windows version? If so, then I would love to help give feedback for the latest Windows features that are in development!
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