Does anyone know if this is possible? It would enable me to do so many awesome things with the moderation and just user interaction in general.
Basically I want to be able to create a text file/JSON file in my bot directory, and then make commands that write/read data to/from said file.
For example like !setfavesong <song title> can store the song's title in a JSON object for whoever used the command, and then !favesong <user> can display a user's favorite song that they set.
Basically I want to be able to create a text file/JSON file in my bot directory, and then make commands that write/read data to/from said file.
For example like !setfavesong <song title> can store the song's title in a JSON object for whoever used the command, and then !favesong <user> can display a user's favorite song that they set.