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Bug Recording playback

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Operating System: Linux
SinusBot Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c
TS3 Version:

Problem Description
When trying to record playback using audio.setAudioReturnChannel(true); and audio.startRecording(), I expected the bot to record audio input from users normally, next to anything the bot is playing at the moment. What happened is that, what the bot is playing, is being recorded fine, users voice however is messed up (Example: https://i.erics.site/c8ee955007bdf197481c480e27c232b0)
If it helps, the channels codex was Opus Voice
2017-04-18T13:16:02-06:00 Done playing
2017-04-18T13:16:02-06:00 Channels now zero
2017-04-18T13:16:02-06:00 Deleting channel
2017-04-18T13:16:02-06:00 SAMPLEX 3840 60
2017-04-18T13:16:02-06:00 SAMPLEX 3840 60
2017-04-18T13:16:02-06:00 STOP [eventnight] OK
2017-04-18T13:15:55-06:00 Storing configuration.
2017-04-18T13:15:42-06:00 End Streaming
2017-04-18T13:15:41-06:00 recording :43 Stopped recording because of undefined  (Also intended)
2017-04-18T13:15:41-06:00 recording :40 stopRecording returned: true
2017-04-18T13:15:37-06:00 FILLING ARC BUFFER
2017-04-18T13:15:37-06:00 recording :38 Starting to record because of undefined (That is intended)
2017-04-18T13:15:37-06:00 Streaming
2017-04-18T13:15:37-06:00 recording :36 startRecording returned: true


no longer active, "retired" staff member
is awesome!
is uber awesome!
yup others also seem to have the same problem, don't know if flyth already took a look at this bug
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