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!registration bug and Discord role feature


Hello everyone,
I just wanted to inform you that !registration disable doesn't seem to work. The bot doesn't answer, and I think the registration doesn't get disabled.
The other thing is that I saw "support Discord roles" in the changelog and I thought I could manage permissions through the "user accounts" panel in the web interface but I can't. I think the support refers to script methods?(There is nothing in the docs but I suppose you still have to update it) but having the possibility to add user accounts based on roles would be cool :)


no longer active, "retired" staff member
is awesome!
is uber awesome!
I just wanted to inform you that !registration disable doesn't seem to work. The bot doesn't answer, and I think the registration doesn't get disabled.
Which version do you have? (There are multiple 0.14 releases.) Provide the log, ect. You are an insider and not new in the community, you should know these things by now.
And actually testing it instead of thinking that it doesn't work might be more useful.
The other thing is that I saw "support Discord roles" in the changelog and I thought I could manage permissions through the "user accounts" panel in the web interface but I can't. I think the support refers to script methods(?) but having the possibility to add user accounts based on roles would be cool :)
No, you can actually add a user in the webinterface and connect it to a discord role. You have to create it first and then set the role by editing it.


Which version do you have? (There are multiple 0.14 releases.) Provide the log, ect. You are an insider and not new in the community, you should know these things by now.
And actually testing it instead of thinking that it doesn't work might be more useful.
You're right, excuse me, I forgot it. Anyway, 0.14.3-0e747fd
Anyway I tried but nothing showed in the logs after the command, and if I did !register NAME it worked even after !registration disable
No, you can actually add a user in the webinterface and connect it to a discord role. You have to create it first and then set the role by editing it.
View attachment 2481

Oh really? I thought it was referencing teamspeak only as it was before. Mmh, any idea on how to get the rank from discord?

p.s I still don't understand how and where I can see a list of versions or when other small versions come out. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance :)


no longer active, "retired" staff member
is awesome!
is uber awesome!
Anyway I tried but nothing showed in the logs after the command
Then you should still post the logs.
any idea on how to get the rank from discord?
You mean what you should enter in the ID field? The role name probably, idk.
I still don't understand how and where I can see a list of versions or when other small versions come out. Any suggestion?
You can 'watch' the resources that are listed here to get notifications when they are updated. I also started posting announcements on discord.