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Script configuration

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Hi Guys,

i just updated to the newest Version of Sinusbot 9.13 and saw that there are a lot of scripts.... oO

Now i wanted to test some of those, but can't get it to work...
I clicked on the checkbox next to the text ( e.g. Covatar, Youtube Search, Cover Art, Youtube Webinterface,....)
But i do not find the "Settings or Configs for those Scripts" !? - There is only a "Info" button...

Could you please tell me, how i configure all those scripts !? Is there a simple way i dont figure out, or is it different for each script ?

I've read the "installation" of the YouTube Webinterface, and made a Google API and then it says:
"Paste the youtube API Key for Browser just in one activated script in the web interface"

Where to paste the API KEY !?


2. CoverArt - how is this working ? i see no cover art - script is activated... pls help
3. all those other scripts are not working either - i dont understand the way how they are working sorry....

Is there a general Info / Usage site for scripts, i can't find one... - thank you!
Here you can configure the scripts:
OMG - i feel dumb now - sorry....

didn't try to open this triangle ...

thanks for fast response maxibanki!
Thx for the Webinterface! AWESOME it works :)

One question left, why are the "Play/Pause,..." Buttons in the same color (dark-grey) - as the background, i just see them on "hover" - is this an issue with my theme !?


  • Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-03 um 18.26.17.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-03 um 18.26.17.png
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