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Feature Script events idea

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New Member

I would to ask you if you can add the following event to the scripting engine:
  • clientBan - This event will be triggered when someone was banned from the server.
    "msg": optional_reason,
    "client": {
        "clientId": idOfBannedClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfBannedClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfBannedClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],
    "invoker": {
        "clientId": idOfClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],

  • clientKick - This event will be triggered when someone was kicked from the server.
    "msg": optional_reason,
    "client": {
        "clientId": idOfKickedClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfKickedClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfKickedClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],
    "invoker": {
        "clientId": idOfClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],

  • clientDisconnect - This event will be triggered when someone disconnects from the server.
    "msg": optional_reason,
    "client": {
        "clientId": idOfClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],

  • clientConnect - This event will be triggered when someone connects from the server.
    "client": {
        "clientId": idOfClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],

Some improvements to this one:
  • clientMove - This event will be triggered when someone moves or gets moved.
    "newChannel": channelId,
    "oldChannel": channelId,
    "reason": optionalreason,
    "visibility": newvisiblity,
    "client": {
        "clientId": idOfMovedClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfMovedClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfMovedClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],
    "invoker": {
        "clientId": idOfClient,
        "clientNick": nickOfClient,
        "clientUid": uidOfClient,
        "clientServerGroups": [listOfServerGroupIds],

Finally, I want to tell you I'm french, so my english isn't parfect ! ^^

Thanks you, Slama.
To make it somehow mor "official":
Flyth has read this thread and agree with some of these events :) So some of them could be implemented in one of the next versions.
This post isn't guaranteing any kind of implementation !!
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