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Feature Scripting Improvements

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is awesome!

I think the API is missing some important things :)
- Clients: could we fetch a clients informations ? (Sound/Microphone disabled ? Fetch its IP ?)
- Channel: there is no way to tell what channel the bot is in (at least, I think) .. could be a function, or an argument to the "connect" event
- get/set: looks like the value is shared across all bots. Might not be wanted ... (not documented, worse : they are in "Bot specific commands" in the scripting3 doc)
- (bug) http methods returns true. :(

Everything else looks OK to me :D
Love your bot *_*


is reticulating splines
Staff member

it surely is missing important stuff :)

- client-info: planned
- getCurrentChannelId(): next release
- a get/set for instances is planned as well
- the http method has changed significantly in one of the previous releases and I've not yet found the time to tidy up the docs - but here's an example: Async HTTP

Need. More. Time. :)

Thanks for the feedback!


is awesome!
Hehe, time is important (even more if you're doing it alone :eek:)

As for http, I saw it once, but couldn't find it again (thanks!) so I opened up metadata.js and ...
var albumInfo = http({ method: 'GET', url: 'http://www.theaudiodb.com/api/v1/json/1/album.php?m=' + track.idAlbum });
if (albumInfo) {

With it, albumInfo is "true" (~> should be updated ^^)

I just thought of another "improvement", something like a dump() command that "json-encodes" a variable. Why ? log(object) -> [Object object] .. not very useful :(

I haven't seen playlist-linked events, like "playlistStart" or "playlistEnd" ... :)
By the way, it could be fun (?) to have a way to set the "next" track :) [Could lead to votes or idk what ... I say it because, well. plug.dj system is bad when applied to TS3 :(]

EDIT: + a way to get the list of all tracks ? :)
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