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Bug setDescription not working on lastest version

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Well-Known Member
Used version: lastest beta 0.9.10 for linux
OS: Centos 7

Description: On the previous version a simple script to set as description the current track info works. On the lastest 0.9.10 i can't see anything in console (also when log level is 10) and the script does not work anymore.

The script is the following:
    name: 'name',
    version: '1.0',
    description: 'desc',
    author: 'xDefcon',
    vars: {}
function(sinusbot, config) {
    sinusbot.on('track', function(ev) {
        var track = getTrack();
        if (!track) return;
        var tit = track.title;
Thanks, where can i find documentation to update all my scripts?

i need also help for setNick(); is maybe sinusbot.setNick()?

EDIT: sinusbot.setNick() worked.

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Where can i find new documentation?
@kapabac you have to update for beta version, your script is written with setDescription, and it does not allow users to change their relative message ("playing >/Stopped []") because you used "substring" to get the symbol.
Add message as customizable variable.
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