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Solved Sinusbot does not accept commands from IOS clients

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Operating System: Linux
SinusBot Version: 0.9.x
TS3 Version: 3.x.x

Problem Description
I have setup latest sinusbot few weeks ago but the IOS teamspeak clients can never put any URLs it always tells in the log. Nothing else appears in the logs.

2016-12-14T19:16:06+02:00 PRIVATE-CHAT [MusicBot] Invalid URL.

I can then copy/paste the command using the PC teamspeak client and same url just works fine. The issue is not about the permissions because I have allowed access to servergroup and both ios and pc users are in the same usergroup and it works as intended for other commands such as !play etc. but the problem seems to be the URL.

I am not sure how to see what message sinusbot exactly receives or what IOS does to URLs sent. Because they appear fine in the teamspeak clients...

Any ideas?
I looked at the logs and now I see that IOS uses 'url' and PC uses 'URL' tag with capitals and I think that may be the problem... I think this is definitely a bug:

2016-12-14 17:16:05.995015|INFO  |ClientUI  |1  |Ignored text message by IOS_User: !yt [url]https://youtu.be/YykjpeuMNEk[/url]
2016-12-14 17:16:06.111924|INFO  |ClientUI  |1  |Ignored text message by MusicBot: Invalid URL.
2016-12-14 17:16:18.133119|INFO  |ClientUI  |1  |Ignored text message by PC_User: !yt [URL]https://youtu.be/YykjpeuMNEk[/URL]
2016-12-14 17:16:18.256355|INFO  |ClientUI  |1  |Ignored text message by MusicBot: Downloading https://youtu.be/YykjpeuMNEk

By the way th log says ignored, but the PC_User gets a message from sinusbot that the video is downloading and then it starts playing it.
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Thanks for reporting! Can confirm and will fix that for the next release :)
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