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SinusBot not reacting to Discord chat !yt commands


New Member
Hey all. I've got the bot all set up, my Discord account can DM the bot to download and queue YT tracks, but the bot doesn't seem to respond to chat messages in the server. I've tried in both my general chat and the voice channel chat, but it's as if it's ignoring it or something isn't set up right. Am I just missing something dumb here? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I'm having similar issues, related to changes on YouTube's side, that block youtube-dlp.
I am unsure if there is any workaround for that, unfortunately.
Check that your bot supports slash commands in the first place. It'll have a "supports commands" badge on its profile. If there isn't a badge, then it doesn't use slash commands (though it might have another way of being invoked, usually shown in its status or bio).

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It's possible that the bot isn't configured to listen for public messages on the server. If you configured the bot using a library like discord.py, make sure you've included code for the bot to respond to messages in public channels.

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