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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

EN Stop !qyt abuse for guests.

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As of the moment, anyone with access can spam the !qyt command and get the bot to queue the same song many times in a row. Is there a way of limiting it to only 1 use per minute and stop the same song being played twice in a row?
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!qyt will not download the song. !qyt just put a youtube or soundcloud link into the q list for streaming.
There is no option yet to limit this command.

Abuse the users by urself. Don´t allow them to use bot commands.
!qyt will not download the song. !qyt just put a youtube or soundcloud link into the q list for streaming.
There is no option yet to limit this command.

Abuse the users by urself. Don´t allow them to use bot commands.
I wish to allow anyone to request songs and I just noticed that it doesn't download them. It'd be a nice feature for the future.
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