Helping Hand
- SinusBot version (in you web-interface under Settings -> Info -> About) - 1.0.0-beta.13-dc94a7c
- TS Client and Server version - 3.13.3 • Linux
- OS (operating system), e.g. Windows 10 64bit or Debian 9 64bit - Microsoft Windows 10 64bit
- on linux also the kernel version: uname -a
- hardware specs (e.g. VPS, Core i7, 8 GB RAM) - CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G | RAM: 8 GB
Wollte gerade den SinusBot hochfahren, nur hatte dieser andere Pläne:
I was about to start up the SinusBot, but it had other plans:
2021-07-11T21:25:51+02:00 Storing configuration.
2021-07-11T21:25:33+02:00 Prespawn.
2021-07-11T21:25:23+02:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2021-07-11T21:25:23+02:00 Closed.
2021-07-11T21:25:23+02:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2021-07-11T21:25:23+02:00 About to run.
2021-07-11T21:25:23+02:00 Prespawn.
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 closing channels
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 imported module: command
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 resolving module command
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 script command loaded
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 module registered as command
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 registered callback for event chat
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 Auto-Starting f96d2d7c-055b-42dd-80fd-dae3bb24518f/5e0e1ef7-d893-4946-8193-45d51dbbce3c in 500 ms...
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 Initialization complete
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 script sinusbot-commands loaded
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 registered callback for event load
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 registered callback for event ytdl.error
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 registered callback for event ytdl.success
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 [sinusbot-commands:114:12] SinusBot v1.0.0-beta.13-dc94a7c on windows
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 [sinusbot-commands:113:12] Loaded SinusBot Commands v1.1.2 by Jonas Bögle (@irgendwr).
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 executing script command
2021-07-11T21:25:22+02:00 executing script sinusbot-commands
INI:Config: TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe" ListenHost = "" DataDir = "C:\\SinusBot\\data\\" ListenPort = 8087 LocalPlayback = false EnableLocalFS = false MaxBulkOperations = 300 LogLevel = 10 EnableProfiler = false YoutubeDLPath = "" EnableDebugConsole = false EnableInternalCommands = false AllowStreamPush = false UploadLimit = 83886080 RunAsUser = 0 RunAsGroup = 0 ExternalFileBase = "" InstanceActionLimit = 6 UseSSL = false SSLKeyFile = "" SSLCertFile = "" Hostname = "" HostnameMask = "" SampleInterval = 60 StartVNC = false EnableWebStream = false LogFile = "" LicenseKey = "4WyaG5zlg76TdR62O89iQCLD5s/7hPgfX0yvdnKPXgA=" IsProxied = false DenyStreamURLs = [] Pragma = 0 UserAgent = "" [YoutubeDL] BufferSize = 524288 MaxDownloadSize = 419430400 MaxDownloadRate = 104857600 MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads = 6 CacheStreamed = false TimeoutSingleDownloader = 0 TimeoutMultiDownloader = 0 ChunkSize = 3145728 [TS3] AvatarMaxWidth = 0 AvatarMaxHeight = 0 AllowGIF = false [StreamRewrites] [Scripts] Debug = false AllowReload = false EnableTimer = false DisableLegacyEvents = false DevMode = false ScriptTimeout = 5 [Themes] Default = "" [SpeechRecognition] Enable = false [FFmpeg] UserAgent = "SinusBot (1.0.0-beta.13-dc94a7c)" WaitTime = 0 [DAV] Enable = false [XServer] Delay = 0 Debug = false [SHMem] Enable = false Size = 0 Delay = 0 Interval = 0 [RadioStations] URL = "" UpdateInterval = 0 [TTS] Enabled = false