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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Solved Ubuntu bot wont connect

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Version: 0.9.8
operating system: Ubuntu 15.04 64bit
Hardware spec: ram 4GB, 4 Cores
Browser: Google
TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = ""
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
SecretKey = [46, 205, 88, 4, 168, 204, 242, 146, 251, 92, 194, 70, 134, 143, 150, 125, 111, 44, 72, 149, 255, 167, 76, 244, 240, 130, 110, 192, 30, 170, 226, 118]
EnableLocalFS = false
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = "/opt/ts3soundboard/youtube"
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
MTU = 1500
SampleInterval = 100
StartVNC = false
EnableMulticastMetadata = false
EnableWebStream = false

2016-03-04 09:49:14.215320|INFO    |ClientUI      |   |Using configuration location: /opt/ts3soundboard/data/ts3/2918c2e1-4aac-4b56-add1-6d0c568c452c/2faab89a-51b2-4d11-91fb-0b827e918a89/settings.db
2016-03-04 09:49:14.513382|INFO    |ClientUI      |   |ts3server:
2016-03-04 09:49:14.513866|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Connect to server:
2016-03-04 09:49:14.514705|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Blacklist check ok
2016-03-04 09:49:14.514772|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Initiating connection:
2016-03-04 09:49:14.520422|INFO    |PreProSpeex   |1  |Speex version: 1.2rc1
warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite
2016-03-04 09:49:14.523104|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Connect status: Connecting
2016-03-04 09:49:14.526470|DEVELOP |PktHandler    |   |Puzzle solve time: 4
2016-03-04 09:49:14.529820|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Connect status: Disconnected
2016-03-04 09:49:14.529929|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Disconnected or forced to leave, want autoreconnect = 0
2016-03-04 09:49:14.712754|INFO    |ClientUI      |   |Last update check was: Sun Jan 1 00:00:01 2017
2016-03-04 09:49:14.712909|INFO    |ClientUI      |   |Checking for update
2016-03-04 09:49:14.714446|INFO    |Update        |   |Checking for updates...
qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
2016-03-04 09:49:14.745147|INFO    |Update        |   |Check license version: 1
2016-03-04 09:49:14.746037|INFO    |LicenseViewer |   |License language: en
2016-03-04 09:49:14.746154|INFO    |LicenseViewer |   |Found cached license for version 1 and language en
2016-03-04 09:49:15.215209|INFO    |Newsticker    |   |Newsticker next check: Fri Mar 4 04:53:15 2016
2016/03/04 04:49:29 2918c2e1 2faab89a DEBUG  Storing configuration.

When i try to update sinusbot i get this: UPDATER Could not determine own version.

Im Using root for runing user
Security level too low, server password wrong or banned.

NOT a bug. Also: please don't use root.
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