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Feature Update !help BOT response

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This may have been posted/created I'm trying to clear it up. I've noticed this thread and it somewhat is related to this.
Request/ability to edit the bot's response to !help or at least update it because in the current stable version the response is
Hello, I'm the TS3Soundboard Bot. At your service.
and that's it, unless I'm missing a secret keyword, that's all that shows. New people when i give them access to the bot are too lazy to log into the web interface and look at the commands and I would expect that when you PM the bot !help, the list of commands is given to you
I have my bot currently on v0.9.8 on Linux Debian 9 (Stretch). (Plan to update to 0.9.9 since i noticed the beta thread). Here are 3 ways this should be done.

Example 1:
User: !help
Bot: Hi! I'm SinusBot made by Michael Friese. How can I help you?
Bot: Usage, Settings, Web, etc. Type !help <category> for more information
User: !help usage
Bot: *lists all commands*
Bot: Type !help <catergory> <command> for more informatiom
User: !help usage <command>
Bot: *command explanation used from web interfae*

Example 2:
User: !help
Bot: Hi! I'm SinusBot made by Michael Friese. How can I help you?
User: !help <keyword>
Bot: *lists possible help based off of keyword*
User: !commands
Bot: *lists commands ONLY accessible by user*

Example 3:
User edited file the bot will read as the response to the user when asking for !help
What you describe can be implemented with a script. Since everyone wants the bot to answer in a different way, I won't be building this into the core.
However, I might include a demo for it.
Try this script https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/keyword-message.7/ with it you can define keywords (e.g. !help) and a response like what you wanted :)
i had that noted in my post
What you describe can be implemented with a script. Since everyone wants the bot to answer in a different way, I won't be building this into the core.
However, I might include a demo for it.
Like a system with modular features? It's just that I hadn't expected the bot's response to be so basic. Don't get me wrong I love the web interface, and it's useful to see what commands are there and what not, but having the bot respond with available commands is a great benefit for ease
The problem is to find an answer which isn't so basic but which is also accepted by all users... Do you have one? :)
As said above, this is a script :) But I think the basic answer given by the bot currently is the best you can find, which is convenient for all users... If you wanna enhance it, use a scrit ;)
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