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Feature Use applicationize.me/now for Sinusbot with Chrome, almost all features working

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Tom Berenguel

New Member
Operating System: Windows / Linux
SinusBot Version: 0.9.x
TS3 Version: 3.x.x

When running Sinusbot it opens a tab in your browser, which is how you control everything. In Chrome you can convert web apps into "Desktop Apps" using https://applicationize.me/now. This is how I created a "Desktop" app for Asana (a team chat and task manager) among other applications. This way I can have the browser closed (though Chrome is still running in the background) and still have access to the Sinusbot control panel.

I was able to do this with the URL that Sinusbot opens automatically, but if I do this it will ask for the username and password. I went to "Settings", "User Accounts" and it shows the username as "Admin" and a randomly generated password. However, if I copy these to the login in the window Applicationize created, it will not allow access. So I just created a new "User Account" with my personal email and a new password.

This allowed me to use the new Chrome App I created without needing the browser open. The only thing I have found that it cannot do is show popups, such as when you want to delete a track it will normally show a popup that asks you if you are sure; it won't show these popups. You can drag and drop files to add them. If there are other popups in other situations I am sure they don't work either.

Anyway, thought I would share this as it is a much cleaner way to use the app and control everything. I am sure a simple change could be made so that the popups would appear on the Chrome App created with Applicationize.Me.

Any suggestions or improvements are welcome. Have a great one!

Screenshot 2017-05-01 03.47.31.png
First there where too many desktop applications and developers decided to "outsource" the applications to the web-browser as it is open most of the time anyway, resulting in less windows being open and also lighter resource consumption.
Now there is this weird "anti-movement" that's trying to revert everything and creating a new "bare-bones web-browser-desktop-application-thing" for every web-application, making everything more cluttered.

I really don't get this but some people seem to prefer it for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I myself don't remember a time when there were "too many desktop applications", though by no means am I gainsaying you. However, it is far more cluttered for me to have a browser open with a billion tabs open and actually seems to be more "resource" heavy. I usually have these tabs open as it is:

Personal Gmail
Personal Google Calendar
Personal Google Voice
Business Gmail Pro
Business Google Calendar
Business Google Contacts
Grasshopper (for business)
Asana (for business)
Active InBox (for better Gmail organization)
3 Additional Gmail Accounts and their corresponding Calendar/Voice for a side business (and no, I do not want to forward/fetch them to one of the other gmail accounts, I want them separate for specific reasons)
Google Hangouts

And those are the just the ones that stay open practically all the time, not including any other tabs that I may have open for whatever reason. I use Tab Bundler (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...hd?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog) to try to organize and save multiple tabs without having them open all the time. For me, it gets to be a pain to have so many tabs open.

Now lets consider that Discord, which is where I am using Sinusbot for, was created by and for gamers. While my machine can easily handle everything open at once (5960X with 64GB or DDR4 ram, for the Ramdisc, not because that much RAM actually makes a difference), closing Chrome actually removes almost 10gb of used RAM from my system (while Chrome is still running in the background; hence the apps you want are also running). Yes, Chrome is resource heavy. But the benefits from the Chrome Apps I use (a combination that is not offered on other browsers nor do they have alternatives that I find sufficient for my needs) outweighs the heavy use of resources. So when I am gaming, I like to close Chrome and, obviously, I will have discord open (created mainly for gaming) and it is much more convenient to have Sinusbot running in a "bare-bones web-browser-desktop-application-thing".

I actually would prefer an actual Desktop application. I already have Chrome, Team Viewer, Mirror Folder, eFax, GeForce Experience, Fitbit Connect, Spotify, Norton, Spotify, Razer Synapse, Dropbox, Brother Control Center, Steam, Evernote, KeePass, Multiplicity (to connect to my other computers, such as my dedicated Plex Server), Discord, CCleaner, Blizzard, Bluestack, Display Fusion, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, PushBullet, Corsair Link, Asus Ai Suite 3, NordVPN, Wickr, and CoreTemp running in the background on startup anyway, and now if I run SInusbot it actually runs in the background as well, so might as well be able to access it outside of the browser experience.

None of this creates "clutter" for me. Programs running in the background only appear on the taskbar in the "hidden icon" section until I want them to access them directly. I can pin what I want to the taskbar. By using Fences (http://www.stardock.com/products/fences/) and Display Fusion (https://www.displayfusion.com/) my desktop is organized and entirely in my control.

And by no means am I trying to create a "bare-bones web-browser-desktop-application-thing" for every web application; only the ones that I would like to access while not having a browser with numerous tabs open simultaneously. I am sure there are some others that would like the same...but then again, perhaps not.
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