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WelcomeSound with random sound


Active Member
Hi guys,

I just love Sinusbot, which is why I got myself a license. Now I am using
one of the bots as welcome greeting bot in the lobby with the help of
the WelcomeSound script.

Now I have a pool of around 20 welcoming sounds (all 1 to 3 seconds
long). Unfortunately, you have to set one fixed sound in the WelcomeSound

Is there a way to get WelcomeSound to play randomly one of the sounds
in a pool/directory/list instead of only the fixed one?

Thank you in advance.

Kind greetings
Maybe head into the Discussion thread of the WelcomeSound script and ask if the author can add that possibility?
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Unfortunately, the author does not seem to be active anymore, at least there was no reply in the last five weeks to my inquiry.

I just wanted to thank you again for your help, MauriceR.
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