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Feature Youtube Playlists | Windows Server 2012 R2 - Multiple issues (closed)

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Steve Coleman

New Member

First this is an awesome project. I can see you have put lots of time and code into this. Bravo & Thank you!

I have several issues to report.
  1. If I restart the bot. Team Speak commands do not work until I go start a radio station in the web interface.
    1. For trouble shooting it would be nice if the bot always responded to commands. Even if you don't have permissions. It took sometime in the logs to figure out my user didn't have permissions. It would also let me know the bot is down. ex !play response. Sorry you don't have permission. !play Starting song\stream xyz
  2. Second calling !yt says the below. Then nothing happens.
    1. Downloading https/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqeW9_5kURI&index=4&list=PLx0sYbCqOb8TBPRdmBHs5Iftvv9TPboYG
  3. The radio stations stop after a few minutes. Specifically i was using this one:(MP3/32M) PURE ROCK FM 89/WONC
  4. The play button at the bottom of the web page does not restart a radio station. It only works from the radio station page. Specifically i was using this one: (MP3/32M) PURE ROCK FM 89/WONC
  5. I have access to virtual servers. Mine is configured for very low specs and it is causing the laggy sound. Especially when I am doing anything in the server. If you want to try to fix the issue. I can setup a server for you.

Steve C


TS3Path = "C:\\Program Files\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "C:\\Program Files\\SinusBot\\data\\cache"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = "C:\\Program Files\\SinusBot\\youtube-dl.exe"
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 6
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
MTU = 1500
SampleInterval = 80
StartVNC = false
EnableMulticastMetadata = true
EnableWebStream = true
LogFile = "C:\\Program Files\\SinusBot\\log.txt"
LicenseKey = "Xecv8fz8O8PRVbmhWRj125VXdB4lRy50MTLje16TEhE="
EnableAloneMode = false


2015/08/29 17:56:30 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO PLAYURL [admin] http://streaming204.radionomy.com:80/--YOUR--HITSTATION OK
2015/08/29 17:58:16 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [dustybandito @ DustyBandito] < !ty https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx0sYbCqOb8TBPRdmBHs5Iftvv9TPboYG > / NOTF
2015/08/29 17:58:22 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [dustybandito @ DustyBandito] < !pause > / NOTFOUND/NOPRIV
2015/08/29 17:58:31 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [dustybandito @ DustyBandito] < !next > / NOTFOUND/NOPRIV
2015/08/29 17:59:36 0889bdc8 INFO CHAT 1 [DubStep] < !ty https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx0sYbCqOb8TBPRdmBHs5Iftvv9TPboYG > Command ignored, user unknown.
2015/08/29 18:00:47 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO Bot got moved to channel 1
2015/08/29 18:01:22 Decoder error -541478725
2015/08/29 18:01:57 0889bdc8 INFO USER-PATCH [admin] (dustybandito) OK
2015/08/29 18:02:37 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO Bot got moved to channel 168
2015/08/29 18:02:46 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [dustybandito @ DustyBandito] < !play > / NOTFOUND/NOPRIV
2015/08/29 18:04:27 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [dustybandito @ DustyBandito] < !yt
> /
2015/08/29 18:25:41 UPDATER Could not determine own version.
2015/08/29 18:25:41 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [admin @ DustyBandito] < !volume > / NOTFOUND/NOPRIV
2015/08/29 18:25:45 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [dustybandito @ DustyBandito] < !volume 90 > / NOTFOUND/NOPRIV
2015/08/29 18:26:29 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [admin @ DustyBandito] < !volume 100 > / OK
2015/08/29 18:26:41 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [admin @ DustyBandito] < !volume 55 > / OK
2015/08/29 18:26:54 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [admin @ DustyBandito] < !volume 30 > / OK
2015/08/29 18:35:41 Decoder error -541478725
2015/08/29 18:41:55 youtube-dl not available, so not able to download. whoops.
2015/08/29 18:41:55 0889bdc8 4699d575 INFO CHAT 1 [admin @ DustyBandito] < !yt


Staff member
is awesome!
Second calling !yt says the below. Then nothing happens.
  1. Downloading https/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqeW9_5kURI&index=4&list=PLx0sYbCqOb8TBPRdmBHs5Iftvv9TPboYG

Is youtube-dl the latest Version?

I have access to virtual servers. Mine is configured for very low specs and it is causing the laggy sound. Especially when I am doing anything in the server. If you want to try to fix the issue. I can setup a server for you.

That Laggs under windows occur is known, you can try to devalue SampleInterval. (SampleInterval = 40) or less in your config.ini.

Steve Coleman

New Member
Is youtube-dl the latest Version?
Yes latest, downloaded last night. I Verified the version from exe right now. 2015.08.28

That Laggs under windows occur is known, you can try to devalue SampleInterval. (SampleInterval = 40) or less in your config.ini.
----I tried 80 50 40 20. Do I need to restart the client when changing the config? I did stop and restart the bot in the web interface. Should I kill the whole process?


Staff member
is awesome!
----I tried 80 50 40 20. Do I need to restart the client when changing the config? I did stop and restart the bot in the web interface. Should I kill the whole process?
Every change on the configuration needs a complete restart of the sinusbot.

Steve Coleman

New Member
Every change on the configuration needs a complete restart of the sinusbot.

Thanks Xuxe

Yep, that fixed the You Tube issue. I just did it after i posted the reply. The you tube downloader is working now. Also no lagg. so the new sample must be working. Awesome! Thanks.

I think this project is awesome. If you want some help with documentation or other stuff. let me know. I do this for a living.. So I am decent at it.


Staff member
is awesome!
Good to hear :) Thx for feedback.

Steve Coleman

New Member
I see you have a git. I can't see any code. Are you accepting anyone else's help? if so, For the windows client. What did you write it in? I would be willing to use something like this: https://github.com/flagbug/YoutubeExtractor Write it in c#, to extract and add to a folder.
Add a playlist and save the files?
Something like, !ytplaylist "Link to Youtube"
and just play the files
!yt "youtube link"
and just save the files
!ytsave "youtube link"

If you want I can probably knock the basic code out in a few hours.
Optionally if you cannot share your code or If your not using .Net. I can provide an assembly or exe to call via command or api. If you can let me see your api I can hook in the playlist add and start. btw, ill put the code on GIT and you can have it afterwards.


Staff member
is awesome!
We not using C#.
The Sinusbot is not open source.

And we take no code except Translations far as I know.

i will forward this. Youtube Playlists are a good idea.

Steve Coleman

New Member
There is still a bug where my account shows as not authorized. I play a song in radio and it starts working again? It will let me use !playing but not !yt.
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