• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Beim Botstart ALSA Fehler


Hallo, ich habe den Musikbot auf meinem V-Server (Linux) installiert und auch die neuste Client Teamspeak version (3.3.2) jedoch joint der Bot nicht auf meinen Teamspeak und gibt statdessen ständig einen ALSA Fehler aus(Siehe nachfolgendes)

Beim starten von Botinterface

2019/10/25 15:42:52 59b1d85f INFO Loading instances
2019/10/25 15:42:52 59b1d85f INFO Loading instance://4b0c41e5-5531-4775-b6e3-da0cb6702608
2019/10/25 15:42:52 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO Initialization complete
2019/10/25 15:42:52 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2019/10/25 15:42:52 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2019/10/25 15:42:52 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2019/10/25 15:42:52 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO script command loaded
2019/10/25 15:42:52 [GENERAL/RADIO ] INFO RadioStation data loaded
2019/10/25 15:42:52 [GENERAL/RADIO ] INFO Imported radio stations

Beim Starten von Bot übers interface

2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO Starting instance ts3server://
2019/10/25 15:43:42 X [MAIN] New connection
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |TeamSpeak 3 Client (2015-10-22 11:14:48)
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |SystemInformation: Linux 3.16.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.51-3+deb8u1 (2018-01-08) x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Using hardware aes
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| |libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Loading plugin: libclientquery_plugin
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Loading plugin: liblua_plugin
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Loading plugin: libsoundbot_plugin
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Loading plugin: libtest_plugin
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |Query | |listening on
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Api version is not compatible for plugin: /opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so
2019/10/25 15:43:42 X [MAIN] New connection
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |*** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 105
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |*** Time [INIT]: 105
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Failed to init text to speech engine
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Qt version: 5.5.0
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Using configuration location: /opt/ts3soundboard/data/ts3/59b1d85f-eb2f-443b-8591-1bae63958e32/4b0c41e5-5531-4775-b6e3-da0cb6702608/settings.db
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI | |ts3server:
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect to server:
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Blacklist check ok
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Initiating connection:
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |PlaySoundSet | |Found invalid playback device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts3.alsa.dummy.playbackdefault
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |ERROR |ALSA | |snd_pcm_open: No such file or directory
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| |/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/soundbackends/libalsa_linux_amd64.so error: ALSA
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |CapSoundSet | |Found invalid capture device 'SinusBot', using default device 'ts3.alsa.dummy.capturedefault
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |ERROR |ALSA | |snd_pcm_open: No such file or directory
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| |/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/soundbackends/libalsa_linux_amd64.so error: ALSA
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Connecting
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI |1 |Connect status: Disconnected
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Last update check was: Sat Jan 1 00:00:01 2022
2019/10/25 15:43:42 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO | | |Statistics report: Not yet, next report on Sat Oct 26 10:26:40 2019
2019/10/25 15:43:47 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TS |INFO |ClientUI | |Blacklist check timeout

Hat einer eine Idee um welchen Fehler es sich handelt und wie ich diese beheben kann?

Danke im voraus
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
dein teamspeak client ist zu alt, du solltest deinen client updaten
infos zur kompatiblität findest du hier https://sinusbot.github.io/docs/installation/linux/

Edit: übrigens kommt nächste woche server version 3.10.0 raus, welche einen teamspeak client version 3.3.0 vorraussetzt und dieser einen kernel von minimum 3.17
Last edited:
dein teamspeak client ist zu alt, du solltest deinen client updaten
infos zur kompatiblität findest du hier https://sinusbot.github.io/docs/installation/linux/

Edit: übrigens kommt nächste woche server version 3.10.0 raus, welche einen teamspeak client version 3.3.0 vorraussetzt und dieser einen kernel von minimum 3.17
Danke es hat halb funktioniert, jetzt haben ich jedoch ein kleines anderes problem.
Nun wird mir folgendes angezeigt:

2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO Starting instance ts3server://
2019/10/25 17:45:03 X [MAIN] New connection
2019/10/25 17:45:03 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 INFO TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2019/10/25 17:45:04 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 DEBUG closing channels
2019/10/25 17:45:15 59b1d85f 4b0c41e5 DEBUG Storing configuration.

jedoch ist nicht alles aufgeführt da die ersten paar Zeilen in Putty verschwunden waren.
Kannst du das diag script bitte anhängen?
Meintest du den Instanz-Log

2019-10-25T19:20:56+02:00 Storing configuration.
2019-10-25T19:20:38+02:00 closing channels
2019-10-25T19:20:38+02:00 eof from voice
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2019-10-25T19:20:37+02:00 Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists
2019-10-25T19:20:26+02:00 script command loaded
2019-10-25T19:20:26+02:00 Initialization complete
SinusBot 1.0.0-beta.5-b262b6a
TS-Server 1.9.3
TS-Client 3.3.2
Debian 64

instance log
2019-10-25T22:06:20+02:00 closing channels
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Closed.
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TS>terminating with uncaught exception of type boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::uuids::entropy_error> >: getrandom
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TS>QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TS>QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-sinusbot'
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TS>qt.qpa.xkeyboard: no keyboard layouts with latin keys present
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TS>QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 TS>/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3: no version information available (required by /opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5)
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Newsno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Newsno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Newsno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists
2019-10-25T22:06:19+02:00 About to run.

Bot Log
2019-10-25T22:06:03+02:00 Loading instance://4b0c41e5-5531-4775-b6e3-da0cb6702608
2019-10-25T22:06:03+02:00 Loading instances

TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/ts3soundboard/data/"
ListenPort = 8088
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
AllowStreamPush = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
ExternalFileBase = ""
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
HostnameMask = ""
SampleInterval = 60
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "ymzYDewG81497IozEiuu9Vts47hKrbFIsPKj5X/NdCI="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0
UserAgent = ""

Browser Firefox
Plugin Addblocker
das wäre auch in dem ersten link den ich dir geschickt habe gestanden:
SinusBot VersionTS3 VersionLinux Kernel Version
1.0.0-beta6, ..., 1.0.0-beta33.3+3.17+
1.0.0-beta2, 1.0.0-beta13.2.52.6+

deine kernel version passt nicht und du solltest erst deinen kernel updaten bevor du teamspeak version 3.3 nutzen kannst
Den Kernel habe ich geupdatet
TS-Server 1.9.3
TS-Client 3.3.2
Debian 64x

instance log
2019-10-25T22:30:38+02:00 Storing configuration.
2019-10-25T22:30:26+02:00 closing channels
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Closed.
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TS>terminating with uncaught exception of type boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::uuids::entropy_error> >: getrandom
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TS>QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TS>QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-sinusbot'
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TS>qt.qpa.xkeyboard: no keyboard layouts with latin keys present
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TS>QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 TS>/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3: no version information available (required by /opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5)
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Newsno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Newsno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Newsno such table: News
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not insert into Application-Tableno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not delete from Applicationno such table: Application
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2019-10-25T22:30:25+02:00 Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists

Bot Log
2019-10-25T22:29:38+02:00 Loading instance://4b0c41e5-5531-4775-b6e3-da0cb6702608
2019-10-25T22:29:38+02:00 Loading instances

TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/ts3soundboard/data/"
ListenPort = 8088
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
AllowStreamPush = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
ExternalFileBase = ""
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
HostnameMask = ""
SampleInterval = 60
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "ymzYDewG81497IozEiuu9Vts47hKrbFIsPKj5X/NdCI="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0
UserAgent = ""

Browser Firefox
Plugin Addblocker
kannst du mir bitte sagen was für eine kernel version du nun hast?
das ist immer noch die von ganz am anfang im ersten log, du brauchst minimum version 3.17
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