• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Sinusbot Installer Script

EN Sinusbot Installer Script 1.5

No permission to download


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Qhiliqq hat eine neue Ressource erstellt:

Sinusbot Installer Script - Install latest Sinusbot, TS3-Client and YT-DL.

### German ###

Hey ;)

Da viele Personen das Problem haben den Bot zu installieren, habe ich einen Installer geschrieben, welcher alles wichtige installiert.

Ausgeführt wird folgendes:
  • Check ob Linux-Version unterstützt wird
  • Check ob TS3 oder Sinusbot bereits durch den Installer installiert ist (/opt/sinusbot)
  • Installieren von TeamSpeak mit neuster Version
  • Installieren von allen notwendigen Paketen
  • Erstellen eines seperaten Users für den Bot mit Passwort...

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Ressource...
### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • Abfrage ob einverstanden bzgl. privater Bot Version
### English ###
New version available.

  • Prompt if agree that bot is only for private usage
### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • Downloadserver für Sinusbot geändert
### English ###
New version available.

  • downloadserver changed for sinusbot
I wanted to test this to install the latest beta that was just released so i made a folder called ts3bot_2 and chmod 777 it (so it doesn't interfere with my current setup). I placed the script inside the folder and also chmod 777 the script and ran it using ./sinusbot_installer.sh and i then get this
ircd@kanalu-debian:/opt/ts3bot_2$ ./sinusbot_installer.sh
./sinusbot_installer.sh: line 112: ifconfig: command not found
Change to root account required

line 112
LOCAL_IP=`ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | head -n 1 | tr -d '[:alpha:][:blank:]' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`
I wanted to test this to install the latest beta that was just released so i made a folder called ts3bot_2 and chmod 777 it (so it doesn't interfere with my current setup). I placed the script inside the folder and also chmod 777 the script and ran it using ./sinusbot_installer.sh and i then get this
ircd@kanalu-debian:/opt/ts3bot_2$ ./sinusbot_installer.sh
./sinusbot_installer.sh: line 112: ifconfig: command not found
Change to root account required

line 112
LOCAL_IP=`ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | head -n 1 | tr -d '[:alpha:][:blank:]' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`

Which OS you use?
And 64 or 32 bit?
### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • Start/Stop des Bots über "/etc/init.d/sinusbot {start|etc}"
  • ipconfig wird nicht mehr verwendet, stattdessen ip a
### English ###
New version available.

  • start/stop with "/etc/init.d/sinusbot {start|etc}"
  • removed ipconfig and added ip a for future linux versions
error youtube-dl not available
this all fine, i try change the owner of youtube-dl but same thing happen
Have you installed the Bot with the script? Or just wanted to install YT-DL?

Normally this message mean, that the youtube-dl path in your config.ini is wrong.
The bot can't find the downloader...
I used the script. btw i fix. the problem is are my Python, i reinstall/update to 2.7.10, the old version was 2.7.5
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