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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by nerzlakai96

  1. nerzlakai96

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    Thank you for confirming that issue. I thought i was the only one after all with this problem once everyone stopped replying.
  2. nerzlakai96

    Sinusbot Version 1.0.2 und Debian 12

    Hi, also ich habe gestern meinen vServer auch von Debian 11 auf 12 geupgraded und habe das Problem derzeit nicht, alles so wie zuvor. Nutze darauf TS3 + Discord. Vllt mal den Cache leeren unter data/cache und data/tmp. Ich habe gehört, dass data/ts3 löschen auch helfen soll bei manchen...
  3. nerzlakai96

    Seems Discord changed Voice API again or other Discord API...

    Okay, it seems like this problem only occured yesterday evening. Today everything started to work again without problems so far. Can be closed, sorry for the confusion.
  4. nerzlakai96

    Seems Discord changed Voice API again or other Discord API...

    Hello, today evening i found out that my Discord Sinusbot went suddenly offline. After logging into the admin panel i saw that no Discord Voice Channels are listed anymore and no Channel can be set as Default Channel. Furthermore, the Discord Sinusbot can not write text messages. The whole Bot...
  5. nerzlakai96

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    Hey, so you don't have the issue i am experiencing at the moment with disconnecting Voice when changing channel of the Sinusbot in Discord? What do you exactly mean with "foreign location was being used, I put my own, now it works better"? I am about to go mad about this, because i never had...
  6. nerzlakai96

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    Thank you for your time and your help :) Your idea was actually really good, but unfortunatley after some in depth testing, it still remains the same problem. I still think this is a bug in the current version 1.0.2 listed here: When the event 'VOICE_STATE_UPDATE' of Discord triggers by changing...
  7. nerzlakai96

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    Update to my post from yesterday: After some testing i found out that this bug appears to start when the Sinusbot on Discord moves or gets moved to another voice channel. In most occasions the Bot stays silent afterwards and has to be restarted.
  8. nerzlakai96

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    Thank you :) So generally it works again, but i still have an issue and i don't know if it's just me or everyone else. When the Sinusbot starts and gets online on Discord, it works in the beginnung, but after some time online, it'll start generating some of these error messgages...
  9. nerzlakai96

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    Hello, today i found out that my Sinusbot Discord stopped playing music or sounds in his channel. In his webpanel, it still shows he's playing the song at the moment and everything, but there is just no music/sound coming out of the Sinusbot. It worked flawless the last couple of months and i...
  10. nerzlakai96

    Function deleteUserReaction(emoji, user, callback); not working/existing in Sinusbot 1.0.1

    Dear Sinusbot-Users, today i came across this issue which seems to be a problem related to the function deleteUserReaction(emoji, user, callback); not being working/existing in Sinusbot 1.0.1. The Instance Log always tells me: 2023-01-09T14:50:40+01:00 error on callback func: Uncaught exception...
  11. nerzlakai96

    Discord timeout/fails to reconnect to channel.

    Is there gonna be an approximate release date for a final stable version of this pre version?
  12. nerzlakai96

    Discord timeout/fails to reconnect to channel.

    I can confirm as well that it works again like charm in the version you linked here. Thanks a lot! :)
  13. nerzlakai96

    Discord timeout/fails to reconnect to channel.

    Thanks a lot for that :) Do you get this fixed version (didn't test it yet) by upgrading the Sinusbot via the official tutorial as well?
  14. nerzlakai96

    Discord timeout/fails to reconnect to channel.

    Yeah, i would like to thank you Lala as well, i was going to open a Bug Report about that as well, because i was almost going mad not being able to find a fix. I thought i was the only one having this problem :D
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