• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by NT5

  1. NT5

    Lyrics - Discord Update

    Initial Discord support. Bugfix.
  2. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search - Discord Update

    Added initial discord support. (hotfix) Enqueue not working with download files. Other changes.
  3. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search - Update methods.

    Update methods.
  4. NT5

    LastFM Scrobbling - LastFM Scrobbling

    ¡Scrobbling Tracks to LastFM!
  5. NT5

    EN [REQUEST] Queue list

    it's a great idea and relatively easy to make; the problem is get who enqueue the song. Small test I did var media = require('media'); var queue = media.getQueue(); queue.forEach(function(track) { engine.log(track.title() + " " + (track.duration() > 0 ? (track.duration() / 1000) : 0 )); })...
  6. NT5

    Lyrics - Permissions update

    Server Group permissions added Banned users added Fix bug with text truncate
  7. NT5

    Lyrics - Options update

    New settings: Added command trigger Added autosearch Added error message Now when you type the command without syntax get the current song. New artits/song separators: -, @, |, *
  8. NT5

    User Blacklist

    You can block users via webpanel, take a look to script settings, maybe in next versions you can do it via script command. Also if you have questions about certain script, please reply the script thread: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/youtube-search.1160/
  9. NT5

    Lyrics - Lyrics

    Search Lyrics from makeitpersonal.co Use: !lyrics {artits} - {song name} Example: !lyrics S3RL - Pretty Rave Girl Requires Sinusbot >= 0.9.17 DISCLAIMER All lyrics are from makeitpersonal.co
  10. NT5

    Youtube Search: Could not play video with filters set

    I tested and is it working for me, you can try !youtube-reset <botname> (you need be a admin) and configure from web panel again. Default filters are: No videos longer than 15min Any video title
  11. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search - Commands update

    New features: - added commands - !{command}-video get video details (not play) - !{command}-search search 5 videos - !{command}-setkey set an API key - !{command}-reset reset all settings - New format variables: - title - description_complete - description - video_id - yt_link -...
  12. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search - Update to new script engine

    Script update & tested on SinusBot 0.9.18-8499d2c. - Update some code - Port most of the script to new engine (except http/queue methods - but it works for now) Note: - if you not get sound on your bot make sure you have the latest youtube-dl binaries installed on your bot (test with !yt...
  13. NT5

    osu!stats - Update to new script engine

    Script update & tested on SinusBot 0.9.18-8499d2c. - Update some code - Port most of the script to new engine (except http method)
  14. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search - Update to Sinusbot

    Fixed spam caused for newer sinusbot version
  15. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search - Added queue

    Queue added. Note: Remember to update your sinusbot version to sinusbot-
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