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AFK Mover

AFK Mover 1.3.2

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Changelog 1.3.2:

* Fixed the appearing of warn messages if the user already moved to the AFK channel.
* Fixed a possible double-move to the AFK channel attempt with a certain script configuration.
Changelog 1.3.1

+Added the option to message a user X seconds before he gets moved (warn message)
+Added the option to message a user after he got moved (explain message)
*Fixed a few typos and small formatting bugs/errors
Changelog 1.2:

+ (Added feature) ! (notice)

+ You can now let the bot add a AFK group to users which are AFK
+ You can activate that if someone gets manually added to that AFK group somewhere on the server, the client will get moved into the AFK channel..
! reworked the core-move function as a try to make it more robust against mass AFKing on huge servern. Big shoutout to @irgendwer for letting me use his idea for the core function.
Changelog 1.1:

+ (Added feature) - (bug fix)

+ You can now disable temporary channels completly per mode
- Fixed the case in which user would get moved if they first went AFK and afterwards joined a blacklisted channel or server group.
- Fixed the case in which user would not get moved if they went AFK in a blacklisted channel and afterwards joined a non-blacklisted channel
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