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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
AFK Mover

AFK Mover 1.3.2

No permission to download
A script which moves user after a certain amount of time (in seoncds) into an AFK channel if they are muted/deaf(speaker)/away.


  • Three different modes which are not dependent on each other (Away, Mic muted, Speaker deaf)
  • Each mode can move the user after X seconds into the chosen AFK channel and if wanted move him back when he is not AFK anymore.
  • Each mode has its own blacklist for server groups and channels which should be ignored when a user in that group/channel goes AFK.
  • The channel blacklist can also include subchannels if you want.
  • If the users origin channel got deleted while he was AFK he will get messaged about the missing channel and why he didn't got moved.This message is also customizable.
  • Should the bot or the instance get restarted while a user is AFK he will still get moved back into the same channel he was in before going AFK.
  • One AFK channel chose-able (where users get moved to)
  • The bot can add Server groups to AFK user (I highly recommend a ts3-temporary group for this, since when a user disconnects from the AFK channel the bot has no chance to remove the group again)
  • If the the server group got manually added to a client the bot can move that client into the AFK channel.
  • Warn a user per message x seconds before he will get moved. (optional)
  • Message the user after he gets moved (optional)
NOT included atm
  • This script has NO IDLE checker (not really planned atm)
  • Download the script and put it in the scripts folder
  • Reload/restart the bot
  • Go to your webinterface > Settings > Scrips and enable the script by checking the box next to it.
  • Configure the script as you like (by clicking on the arrow to show the options)
  • Click on 'Save changes' on the bottom

Changelog => https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/afk-mover.224/updates

Big thanks goes out to @Tuetchen and @irgendwer. Both helped me alot with this script.

Feel free to make suggestion for this script. I will see what I can do.

PS: I also hope there aren't any bugs left (._.)
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First release
Last update
4.17 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from Diesmon

  • OKlib
    A lib that is OK. For other scripts to use.
  • Default-Channel+
    TS3 Default-Channel+
    The bot moves itself back into an default channel if the current channel gets empty.
  • Server Rules
    TS3 Server Rules
    Messages clients the server rules (on connect or channel join) and can assign groups or kick them
  • Channel Lift
    Channel Lift
    Provides enter and exit channels for "fast-travelling" on large servers

Latest updates

  1. Message fix and double move fix

    Changelog 1.3.2: * Fixed the appearing of warn messages if the user already moved to the AFK...
  2. Move messages and bug fixes

    Changelog 1.3.1 +Added the option to message a user X seconds before he gets moved (warn...
  3. AFK group feature, more robust moving

    Changelog 1.2: + (Added feature) ! (notice) + You can now let the bot add a AFK group to users...

Latest reviews

Nice Script with many options to configure.
I only have one problem. The bot moves everyone who sets his status to away, even if i blacklist the channel or the servergroup. I use Version 0.11.0-8e5f1a2 so its probably not fully supported.
Working almost perfectly, a lot of settings..
But I've got a problem: People gets randomly move sometimes when they connect.
I noticed it happend when someone else just got moved in AFK
TypeError: Cannot access member 'id' of undefined at AFK_mover.js:785:58 at forEach (<native code>) at spinQueue (AFK_mover.js:755:9)

Stopped working after a while
Strange bug or incredibly timing. Because the error means that the script wasn't able to set queueClient.client.getChannels()[0].id() in the store. So somehow the client disconnected in the milliseconds between the commands or I dunno.

Can you reproduce that?
This plugin is just perfect!
Macht was es soll, keine Bugs gefunden bisher. 5/5
Best Afk Mover in the forum. 10/10

One more feature: Temporary channels are blacklisted and this will be perfect :)
Allready done, just testing it atm. Maybe I will push the update today.