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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
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!come 1.2

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Reviews 3.32 star(s) 24 reviews

Really nice, exactly what I was looking for
I had the same problem other people had: Error in script (event chat): TypeError: 'log' is not a function at come.js:93:37 at some (<native code>) at come.js:91:29 at forEach (<native code>) at come.js:89:25

After I downloaded the script and override the old one it worked again.
Great addition. One little thing: it would be nice to be able to add the allowed server group IDs in one line, instead of having to click "Add" for each of them.
works very nice but when you are in other channels as the bot you still can write !goaway in the server chat so the musicbot leaves the channel. Maybe you could expand the script with a checkbox "dont listen to server chat"?
Thanks for the update ;) i have a good idea for you if you like it, for the next update you can add a status: Busy/Free if the bot is not playing music you can use !come, if the bot is playing music should reply: Im busy at this moment. That would be very good and users will understand the bot is beign used by a user, is a basic concept if you have better idea is just my idea :) hope is useful
Works perfect, using it since you post it :)
Great addition, sorely needed for server groups who don't need move permissions.
Works like a charm, thx
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