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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
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Group Distributor 4.0

No permission to download

Reviews 4.38 star(s) 7 reviews

For an unknown reason, it only works when the user is sending the bot a message while being in the same channel as the bot.
If the user has the permission to execute the command, but is sending the command to the bot while not being in its channel - it will fail and tell the user that they don't have sufficient permissions.
i think it can be good.

But i dont know how to setup this thing..

Can u say me what i have to put in to the field The Group with the permissions to run the command

Sorry for my bad english.

So i just put in this field the number 19 of join+ but what is means with permission?
Nutze dieses Script in leicht abgeänderter Weise schon lange auf meinem Ts. Rundum zufrieden!
5 stars.
Gefällt mir wirklich gut.
Good Script.
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