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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Keep Out!

Keep Out! 1.1

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Reviews 3.44 star(s) 9 reviews

Sometimes I can bug into a channel. I’ve tested this addon and it’s cool. Good job by the way.
When an user gets a forbidden servergroup, when he is in the protected channel, the bot doesn't do anything... But at all a good script
Funktioniert sehr sehr gut! :)
Bot is on channel 1 , and i want protect channel 2.
Channel 2he is only being protected when I am going it up from channel 1 on which the lined boot is. If I will go channel 2 up from other channel the protection doesn't apply.
Nice Plugins works good!
Can you add the function to deny specific Groups from entry the room?
(Sorry for my bad English ^^)

With kind regards
Works pretty fine actually.
I Would like to have an option that would allow me to move someone into the channel im currently in (with the usergroup) without the bot kicking him in this specific case
okay the problem is if iam not in the protectet channel letz say iam in channel 1 and the bot protect channel 2 and only admin is alowed but iam admin an d go in channel 2 bot kicks me -.- fix this and you will get 5 stars
Work well but return: "Error in script: TypeError: Cannot access member 'ID' of undefined"
Funktioniert an sich super, das einzigste was ich habe ist das mehrere Gruppen nicht gehen. Hab es so probiert: 23,22,24 und 22, 23, 24
English (Google Translate):
It works great, the only thing I have is the several groups do not go. Have it tried so: 23,22,24 and 22, 23, 24
Thanks for the review! The server groups should be typed as you mentioned; without spaces.

So it should be: 23,22,23

Are there any errors in the instance log?
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