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Online Clients Record [+POPULATION STATISTICS]

TS3 Online Clients Record [+POPULATION STATISTICS] 2.3.0

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Reviews 4.00 star(s) 4 reviews

Great Plugin! Works fine! :D
Thanks, I appreciate that!
Really nice plugin, works flawless!
Thanks a lot!
Works Fine. (remember about characters limit)
Haha, yea.. thanks! (Channel name is 40 chars, description is 8192)
Do not use this script. I restarted sinusbot several times when installing new scripts and this script is spamming commands all the time. My VPS CPU went from 20% to 100% + memory leaks. After switching off the script I could finally load sinusbot and all its functions.

I have informed the author in private message about it but he is too arogant and proud to listen so be careful and do not use it.

Instance log: https://pastebin.com/Anha0de9
SS: https://gyazo.com/a68c855c1c7f4bd6138333349d7faffd
There is actually no evidence of my script being the issue. You were rude to me before, the same way you are now. Stupid me, I even tried to help him, but he refused my help anyway.

I am also not sure what are you trying to prove by the logs, there are many messages, which mean nothing, because they are literally just messages sent upon clients leaving / joining and checking the record afterwards.

I may be able to lower the amount of times the checking function is called in the next update, but I am sure my script is not the issue.

The script was tested on a server with almost the same amount of clients online as you have and there were no reports of any kind of lags.
Maybe try to upgrade your VPS, there is logically a bigger impact on a server with more than 100 people, but I do not think it is that much of a problem.
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