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TS3 Search Playlists 1.1

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
With this plugin you can search for saved playlists. Optionally you can specify a search string to filter playlists.
The result will be an ordered list in the chat with the total count of found playlists.

  1. Download the script and place it in the scripts folder of your Sinus bot
  2. Restart the Sinus bot
  3. Activate the script
  4. Execute command without searchstring "{SINUSBOT_PREFIX}playlistsearch" (all playlists)
  5. Execute command with searchstring "{SINUSBOT_PREFIX}playlistsearch {searchstring}" (filtered playlists)

  • Show playlist ID in search results. Examples:
    • without id:
      • 1. playlist1
      • 2. playlist2
      • 3. playlist3
    • with id: (Name is bold)
      • 1. playlist1 (ID: 1)
      • 2. playlist2 (ID: 2)
      • 3. playlist3 (ID: 3)
  • Disable privileges - Disables the check for Playback / Enqueue rights and the command can used by all users.

- Privileges are based on the !search command and the user needs the "Playback" or "Enqueue" right to execute this command. (See Disable privileges in options section)
- Script is based on the Sinusbot command.js and have to be placed in the script folder too.

Version history:
  • 1.0
    • Initial Release
  • 1.1
    • Option to force an extact match

PS: If you need something in the script - Just let me know and i will try to implement it.
  • searchplaylists-example.png
    4.3 KB · Views: 511
  • searchplaylists-example-filter.png
    4 KB · Views: 483
First release
Last update


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