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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph

    Timeout error

    I think this should help you :)
  2. Raphraph

    EN Executing youtube-dl from Script

    Currently I don't think so :)
  3. Raphraph

    Bot Stop my playlist

    I can't help you if you don't give me soe details!! READ ME BEFORE YOU POST
  4. Raphraph

    RPi Sinus Bot?

    Don't think so :D Would be funny ^^
  5. Raphraph

    TSClient Does not start

    Yeah... SET the LogLevel to 10 :)
  6. Raphraph

    TSClient Does not start

    Could you set the "LogLevel" to 10 in the config.ini ?
  7. Raphraph

    He won... (Week #2)

    Hey guys and girls, sine the "users like or dislike posts" method isn't working at all, the team decided to take one random winner for this week. This week we had just 3 participations: Dutch Dota CheetaH-NetworK G-Zone !! All participations which have been accepted on Friday, Saturday and...
  8. Raphraph

    Solved Screen Error

    Are you trying to stop or to start the bot? Can you give me the output of screen -ls please?
  9. Raphraph

    Feature Local Playback

    This should answer your question
  10. Raphraph

    TSClient Does not start

    Please post the entire log of the sinusbot
  11. Raphraph

    Winner EquinoX Gaming

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: currently there are just 33 users online... and your record is up to 40. I don't think that's enough, because you need an average of 40 active users For now you have have not...
  12. Raphraph

    Winner Doomilaakso.net

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: there are even many more users on your TS Server... ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  13. Raphraph

    youtube dl not working?

    • Do you use some kind of screen in your VPS ? • Normally you just have to kill the process or the screen (if you use it) to stop the bot completely • I don't think you will have to reinstall the bot...
  14. Raphraph

    Winner LevelJogos

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: there are even many more users on your TS Server... ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  15. Raphraph

    Winner [FR] Epicube

    So... :D As you already sayed, you are not a clan/guild so I will try to talk to you during the day on your TS Server :) I already talked to one of your Moderators ( xPxeL ) and he said that you are currntly sleeping ^^ So I will come again in a few hours ! I think we can discuss this, and even...
  16. Raphraph

    Winner Youtube Community Teamspeak - YouTunity!

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: there are even many more users on your TS Server... ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  17. Raphraph

    EN [Request] Private message with lua

    Currently I think it's not possible because the API used by @Xuxe in his "Hotkey project" is not able to send a chat message... At least, it's what I know.
  18. Raphraph

    Bug delete music in a playlist folder (playlist is deleted)

    Do you tried to just reload the page? At some moments, the All Music folder doesn't update correctly :)
  19. Raphraph

    Feature Text to Speech

    I don't think this is really possible... :/