• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph

    Feature Bot Solo Mode (Alone Mode Addon)

    • Warum hast du mehrere Musik-Bots im gleichen Channel? :D • Ja der AloneMode funzt dann nicht weil eben jede Instanz als auch ein Client gezählt wird. Also auch die Instanz selbst die gerade nachschaut. Man muss es sich so vorstellen: Die Instanz schaut ob nur noch 1 Client im Channel ist, und...
  2. Raphraph

    Bot lässt sich nicht restarten (linux 0.9.9)

    Wie du meinst, aber es ist für alle anderen Benutzer (die zumindest mal die Suchfunktion benutzen) besser wenn das Problem hier geregelt wird. Oder nicht? ;)
  3. Raphraph

    Bot lässt sich nicht restarten (linux 0.9.9)

    • Was wird denn angezeigt wenn du versuchst ihn zu starten? • Wird bei "ps x" was angezeigt was "./sinusbot" ähnelt?
  4. Raphraph

    Winner G-Zone.pl -> vTS3.pl TeamSpeak

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: User-Record of the day is even over 40: ✔ For now, you are registered on the list.
  5. Raphraph

    Winner #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming - Community

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: User-Record of the day is even over 40: ✔ But, there is a problem: I don't think the extended licence will allow you to rent some isntances of the bot! Please make sure to...
  6. Raphraph

    Winner Wild Siberians

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: User-Record is up to 75 members on your TS Server... ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  7. Raphraph

    Winner CheetaH-NetworK

    Just right click the one at the top of the forum and download it ;) I don't know where to find another banner
  8. Raphraph

    Winner CheetaH-NetworK

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: User-Record is up to 75 members on your TS Server... ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  9. Raphraph

    Feature Usersettings WebUI

    Oder vllt an den User binden :)
  10. Raphraph

    Winner Dutch Dota (www.dutchdota.com)

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: User-Record is up to 42 members on your TS Server... ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  11. Raphraph

    Winner Structure UKN (Unknown Multi-Gaming)

    Requirements check: 1. Website + possibility to add a visible link back to the SinusBot Site: ✔ 2. 40 (active) members: User-Record is up to 87 (as mentioned below by @Dave ): ✔ For now you have been registered in the list. :)
  12. Raphraph

    Solved Benutzerkonten

    Du musst dem Mitbesitzer einfach den gleichen Link schicken den du auch benutzt. Jedoch musst du aufpassen, das der Benutzer den du für ihn angelegt hast, auch das Recht hat sich einzuloggen:
  13. Raphraph

    Help please

    Or just use the HowTos made: Windows: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/english-german-windows-how-to-install-youtube-dl-with-the-bot.135/ Linux: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/english-german-linux-how-to-install-youtube-dl-with-the-bot.129/
  14. Raphraph

    Klar :D Aber schau ruhig selbst nach ;) Home -> rechten Seite -> ganz unten -> Forum Statistics...

    Klar :D Aber schau ruhig selbst nach ;) Home -> rechten Seite -> ganz unten -> Forum Statistics ... :D
  15. Raphraph

    1.111 MEMBERS !! :D That's great :) See it yourself: http://prntscr.com/8s97j4

    1.111 MEMBERS !! :D That's great :) See it yourself: http://prntscr.com/8s97j4
  16. Raphraph

    Can't update my Bot

  17. Raphraph

    Solved m3u Radio Streams abspielen

    Ich bin grad am Handy, und kann das nicht ausprobieren :D aber ich glaub dass die neuste Version des SinusBots m3u Links untersützt... :)
  18. Raphraph

    Solved Users limited to specific bots

    Yeah, but this isn't "private" it's opened to a community :D The bot has been designed to have some admins and a little amount of users which can access the bot. That's all. So the normal TS users can just listen to the music set by the admins :)
  19. Raphraph

    Solved Users limited to specific bots

    You have to understand, that the free version of the bot isn't made for business use... It's most for personal use or with friends :)